
Michele Leonhart is the worst

  • SportsAndLady
    Randomly came across this dimbat while on teh intrawebz

    From her Wikipedia page:
    Leonhart has consistently turned down research into the therapeutic and medicinal benefits of marijuana, and has a track record of undermining state law with regard to legal medical marijuana. On July 21, 2010, several pro-legalisation groups called on President Obama to withdraw his support of Leonhart, including SSDP, MPP, NORML, LEAP, andDPA. [SUP][10][/SUP]In 2011, the Washington Post reported that "994 people younger than 18 were killed in drug-related violence between late 2006 and late 2010" and that "n 2009, the last year for which there is data, 1,180 children were killed, half in shootings."[SUP][11][/SUP] In response to these statistics, Leonhart declared that while it "may seem contradictory, the unfortunate level of violence is a sign of success in the fight against drugs.”[SUP][11][/SUP]
    In 2012, Leonhart testified before Congress and refused to say that marijuana is less addictive or harmful than methamphetamine, heroin, or crack-cocaine.[SUP][12][/SUP]

    Then there's this gem:


    And then there's Obama

    On 2 February 2010, President Barack Obama nominated Leonhart for the position of DEA Administrator