Insurance for this insurance for that .... that the answer
Belly35Insurance for this insurance for that .... that the answer
Democrats are so far out of touch and California politics are socialism 101 mentality. Democrat jump on board the Obama Socialist Legal Owner Gun Grabbing Agenda.
Why not have everyone who has a set of All Clad Cookware to carry insurance, or if you kid is seeing school therapist help or anyone who is seeking mental health issue support carry “I’m a potential nut job” insurance, let add that everyone with a felony has to buy “Screwed up once will screw up again” insurance also, let not forget the Politian’s “Stupid idea” insurance plan, “Illegal Protection” insurance that where rape and murder by a illegal alien you get free produce for 10 years and that ‘Innocent Drone” insurance that where the government kills citizen and it is your family fault so you have to reimburse the government for service rendered.
Another step forward in the minds of socialist individual of the Democratic Socialist Party to move closer to gun confiscation.