
Deal reached on Senate Health Care Bill

  • GoChiefs were proven how you are acting like an idiot..and how big of a hypocrite you are..yet..I need my money back? Please provide proof! Links please? Don't you have another site to start up so it can be a complete failure like your other one?
  • CenterBHSFan
    Get ready folks, I think they're gonna throw down!
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "Get over it....we ARE going to pass this bill,it's going to help this nation,and we will retain both houses in congress(perhaps even increase our majorities)"

    In case you haven't been keeping up on current events, the country's biggest problem is the economy/job situation, how on earth is a job killing bill like this going to help me or anyone else out? I couldn't give a crap about having health insurance if I can't pay my mortgage and put food on the table, a situation which unfortunately a lot of Americans are in. This WILL result in higher taxes, both on employers and employees, if the idea is to push real unemployment towards 20% than they may accomplish their mission.

    I'm man enough to not go to the doctor if I have a runny nose, I can't stomach losing my house under any circumstances. This current political class is so far out of touch I'm not sure we're ever going to recover from it.
  • GoChiefs
    Oh yeah..good call too..can't back pedal you TRY to attack someone? LOL Pathetic much?
  • CenterBHSFan
    GoChiefs wrote: were proven how you are acting like an idiot..and how big of a hypocrite you are..yet..I need my money back? Please provide proof! Links please? Don't you have another site to start up so it can be a complete failure like your other one?

    I KNEW it!!! :P
  • Elliot Stabler
    I was proven wrong??? News to me

    Was my site a failure??? Yep....just like the Republican Party

    manhattan... do you have proof for these claims??

    Health Care Reform is a job killer
    It will result in higher taxes'
    People are going to loose their homes because of health care reform
  • GoChiefs
    Proven wrong about you being a hypocrite? Why, yes...yes you were. See post #64. ;)
  • Elliot Stabler
    Well fellas...its been fun and all...but i have much more important things to do...
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Yeah, I'm an employer, I know how much it costs to employ people, there is no way we won't face higher taxes anyway due to our deficit situation, but this is going to be backbreaking. It is a job killer, and its lose, not loose fella (sorry, that really bothers me for some reason, I'm normally not a grammar nazi but again that one really bothers me.... it isn't LOSE a game or your house, loose refers to how tight or lack thereof a knot is, among other definitions which I won't discuss, I know so many otherwise smart people that screw that up often, it isn't difficult especially if you're a sports fan).
  • GoChiefs
    Elliot Stabler wrote: Well fellas...its been fun and all...but i have much more important things to do...
    Thank you..take your ball and go home. You lose. :p But thanks for playing.
  • Elliot Stabler
    Yep...I lose

    I'll be sad until December 24th 2009 at roughly 7:00pm
  • Writerbuckeye
    Wow, Elliot got himself logic-raped in this thread.

    Pounded like a railroad spike.

    As for my statement about how Medicare will end up being rationed under this plan, read this piece from the Wall Street Journal that talks about a cost savings commission that is almost certainly going to be a part of this bill.

    And pay close attention to the section toward the bottom where they talk about a similar program in Washington that is already strictly limiting (denying care) for procedures that are taken for granted right now.

    Those cuts are a preview of what we'll be seeing under Obamacare. It's the same thing that's happening in England and other places that have bureaucrats in charge of "cost savings".

    And before you go there: Medicare already routinely denies more procedures than private insurance companies. Here's the link to a story and the study.

    Here's the link to the WSJ piece.
  • GoChiefs least there's one fact you'll be happy to admit to. ;) And I don't care about your 'December 24th' comment. I haven't made my thoughts on it known. For all you know..I could be just as happy as you about it..or I might not be. I don't argue politics. Sorry. I just read the politics forum..very rarely do I post on it..just hated seeing you being all hypocritical on here so I thought I'd better call you out on it. ;) Have a great evening.
  • GoChiefs
    writer..are those FACTUAL links or just links of someone's opinion? :D
  • hookshot
    This development is a sad day for America. What an awful bill.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    Alright, the kid has been blasted enough, remember guys, no personal attacks.
  • Writerbuckeye
    GoChiefs wrote: writer..are those FACTUAL links or just links of someone's opinion? :D
    Both, actually. Opinion pieces that document their arguments (and mine).
  • CenterBHSFan
    Does anybody else have an "Obama Care..... Stop him!" banner at the top of this page? lol
  • Elliot Stabler
    ccrunner609 wrote: You guys have to realize that Elliot is still in college.
    Sitting in a classroom all day being brainwashed by some liberal professor that has a boner for Obama.

    Once he gets a real job, a house, sees the bottom line of his paycheck, works hard for what he gets (I hope) and then sees the government pound his ass he will change his tune.
    This opinion that EVERY SINGLE PROFESSOR is liberal is so far off that it's not even funny

    I would say more than half of my profs where conservative. I even had one that told me I was being brainwashed by my parents and I should read Rush Limbaugh to help fix my mind.The liberal profs I have had and my parents never pushed their political views on me,I formed my opinions on my own. So cut that shit out

    Something else that pisses me off is the opinion that when college students graduate,we automaticlly become Republicans. I can tell you with certainty that I will NEVER be a Republican.

    So what your saying cc is that I'm not going to have a real job and I'm going to be poor and be on welfare??
  • redstreak one
    ^^^^^^Dont say never, I leaned pretty left in College, now not so much. Some issues like abortion I do, but fiscally I lean farther right than I ever thought I would! You will be amazed at how much you change as you age! So never say never! LOL Now, this bill scares me!
  • slide22
    Elliot Stabler wrote:
    ccrunner609 wrote: You guys have to realize that Elliot is still in college.
    Sitting in a classroom all day being brainwashed by some liberal professor that has a boner for Obama.

    Once he gets a real job, a house, sees the bottom line of his paycheck, works hard for what he gets (I hope) and then sees the government pound his ass he will change his tune.
    This opinion that EVERY SINGLE PROFESSOR is liberal is so far off that it's not even funny

    I would say more than half of my profs where conservative. I even had one that told me I was being brainwashed by my parents and I should read Rush Limbaugh to help fix my mind.The liberal profs I have had and my parents never pushed their political views on me,I formed my opinions on my own. So cut that shit out

    Something else that pisses me off is the opinion that when college students graduate,we automaticlly become Republicans. I can tell you with certainty that I will NEVER be a Republican.

    So what your saying cc is that I'm not going to have a real job and I'm going to be poor and be on welfare??
    If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative at 40, you have no head! - Sir Winston Churchill
  • Writerbuckeye
    Yeah, I felt the same way when I was young (I'd never be conservative).

    Funny how things change when you mature and get smarter.
  • CenterBHSFan
    ccrunner609 wrote: When you are in college you dont own anything, when you look at your paycheck you look at your Net pay. When you are my age you look at the gross pay and realize that every 2 weeks you are missing over $1,000 in taxes. At that point you start to think things could be better if you could actually enjoy YOUR MONEY.

    You may not get to enjoy $2,000 per month, but other people sure are!
    Oh wait...

    I meant, that other people NEED that money! ;)
  • Elliot Stabler
    Really... I don't own anything or pay any bills cc

    Let's see:
    I have my own apartment
    I have DirectTV
    I have my own car
    I pay my own way through school

    Looks like I make quite a bit of money and am doing just fine.

    Only had to take out one student loan and it was only for $850,and it's already been paid off

    Another thing...

    You guys act like 90% of people on welfare WANT to be on it. If they could avoid it...they would

    Are there people who abuse the system? Sure there are,but there are alot more that need these programs to survive.
  • LJ
    Ok that's enough.