
Krauthammer column

  • ptown_trojans_1
    Footwedge;1260949 wrote:American exceptionalism at it's finest folks. Do as we say, not as we do. Is that it?
    I said, America did it and it was not good, therefore, Iran should not do the same.

    Everyone has a their nukes on hair trigger.
    Sort of, but India and Pakistan are so close that hair trigger there is worse as command and control is always an issue. With that, the case of launching by accident in a crisis increases. And in that region, hair trigger, with the close distances, is not something I want to risk.
    You never replied to:

    A. The AIEA states Iran is not making nuclear grade uranium, and
    B. All of our agencies are on public record that Iran is not making nuclear grade uranium.
    IAEA, first. Second, yes, no weapons grade, but read the report. The IAEA still does not have access to all facilities, and Iran is still enriching to 20%, which is not needed at all. Plus, Iran has not accounted for all the previous evident that they had a weapons program in 2003. Add to that the previous head of their weapons program pre-2003 (which Iran admitted in 2004) is now back involved in the nuclear program.
    The whole dialogue is not they are making weapons grade, it is they are stockpiling enough 5%-20% uranium, and making their facilities near bomb proof, that if they wanted to make that decision to drive towards a bomb, they can do it in a few months.

    Yet, a war with Iran is A-OK, inspite of all the negative ramifications of such a war. WWI was started with a single bullet to the noggin of some political leader. I just wonder if China and Russia will sit this one out knowing that the US bankrolled Israel in a military strike on a country that have no WMD...for a second less than a decade. Oh, I forgot, they are just Muslims, my bad.
    Dude, I am not in favor of strikes at all. It would be stupid. The costs far outweigh the benefits. However, Iran is doing some shady things. And they should fully open up, sign the Additional Protocol, and stop enriching, per the UN Security Council Resolutions.

    Also, a good question to ask Iran: Why are they enriching uranium? For power? If so, where are the plants? They have 6000kg of uranium and just 1 plant, and no other plans to build plants in the next few years.
    For policy makers, with no real nuclear power program, the other option is weapons, and Iran is not doing anything to suggest otherwise.
    Two things....the world already knows that Israel has nukes...about 200 at last count. But again, show me some evidence...any evidence that Iran is pursuing nukes. You're in the defense department, right? All the declassified reports from our intel say they are not pursuing them.
    The Israeli nukes did not spur the Saudis, or Egypt to pursue a bomb. Saddam did it for prestige. See section above for the rest. They are concealing evidence from the IAEA, and have no signed the Additional Protocol. Also, the rhetoric is not helping.
    Is striking the best option, hell no. The current policy of sanctions is the best option right now.
  • Cleveland Buck
    Krauthammer is a warmongering piece of shit. I'm sure these fanatics that are suicidal because of their religion are also willing to destroy their religion's holy sites and leave them uninhabitable for thousands of years. These fanatics that have not started an aggressive war against their neighbors in a thousand years. But while we are bankrupt and destitute we should ramp up the printing press to pay for a new war to line the pockets of the arms makers and politicians. If Iran had nuclear weapons the whole region would be safer because it might deter us from trying to force democracy on any more countries over there at gunpoint.
  • believer
    Cleveland Buck;1261111 wrote:Krauthammer is a warmongering piece of shit. I'm sure these fanatics that are suicidal because of their religion are also willing to destroy their religion's holy sites and leave them uninhabitable for thousands of years. These fanatics that have not started an aggressive war against their neighbors in a thousand years. But while we are bankrupt and destitute we should ramp up the printing press to pay for a new war to line the pockets of the arms makers and politicians. If Iran had nuclear weapons the whole region would be safer because it might deter us from trying to force democracy on any more countries over there at gunpoint.
    LMAO :laugh:
  • QuakerOats
    BoatShoes;1260371 wrote: So, I don't know what the answer is.

    Neither does your president.
  • BoatShoes
    QuakerOats;1261282 wrote:Neither does your president.
    What is your would-be President's answer? He didn't mention it in his Acceptance Speech.
  • pmoney25
    The war propaganda will increase after the election. It amazes me that people in this country have such a thirst for war. History is never on the side of the empire who keeps getting involved in wars they shouldn't be in.
  • stlouiedipalma
    QuakerOats;1261282 wrote:Neither does your president.
    OK, belly, just how did you hack Quaker's account?
  • jhay78
    Footwedge;1260532 wrote:LOL. yeah, Iranians all want to die.
    Never implied that- I was speaking hypothetically about a group of nutjobs with nukes instead of blowing themselves up or flying planes into buildings. The rhetoric from Tehran does nothing but inflame the situation.
    Footwedge;1260707 wrote:You claim that they back Hamas and We back the other terrorists in the region. Before Israel was granted statehood, Irgun, Lehi, and the Stern Group countered British apartheid policies by doing the exact same thing as the PLO did under Arafat. Since statehood, the Israeli Zionist rule have promoted a system of unequal rights, based on religion. A caste system if you will. The majority of Israeli citizens want nothing to do with war. They really don't. And they could care less what Iran's government does.
    The fact that you equate the tactics and goals of Hamas and Hezbollah with Israel (and our policies with Iran's policies) pretty much calls into question anything else you might have to say on the subject.
    Footwedge;1260716 wrote:You have a very one sided view of what the ME is....and what it isn't. Israel has implemented the exact same foreign policies that their people decried for millenia.

    Does it bother you in the least that Menachin Begin, a true terrorist, was the prime minister? Does it bother you that Einstein and a whole host of rabbis wrote a letter to the Times that Begin's agenda was not at all dissimilar to Musolini? Hitler? And other fascists? That ethnic cleansing was OK?

    The American view of history since 1947 is quite remarkable.

    What if Israel, after being granted statehood, ran a true democracy without all the descriminatory policies towards others, in particular, Palestinians? Do you think that Israel would have a target on their back had they done so?
    Um, yes. They were targeted for extinction before the ink was dry at the UN after they were granted statehood.

    Does it bother you that Menachem Begin was prime minister 30 years ago, and died 20 years ago? Or that he gave away the Sinai back to Egypt?
    Footwedge;1260956 wrote:They were given reparations after WWII and rightfully so. The state of Isreal was granted after the war. A whole pile of Jews including men of the Jewish cloth and that dumbass Einstein thought that they could set the bar a little bit differently in how they handled their new found homeland. But they chose to be ****s instead.

    And Believer is wrong regarding who has been the war aggressor. Israel has started more wars than their neighbors have. Israel defied the generosity granted them by brutally capturing the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Golan Heights...areas that they had no right in attacking. There were other settlement sights taken as well.

    Funny behavior in my view for a country to practice barbarism after they lost 6 million of their own through similar brutality I would think.
    There was nothing barbaric about the capture of those places after the Six-Day War. If they were really barbaric they would've bulldozed Damascus and Cairo, but they realized the UN and the Soviets weren't happy so they stopped. If those places weren't launching pads for terrorists and rockets aimed at Israel then you might have a point.
  • Footwedge
    jhay78;1261902 wrote:Never implied that- I was speaking hypothetically about a group of nutjobs with nukes instead of blowing themselves up or flying planes into buildings. The rhetoric from Tehran does nothing but inflame the situation.

    The fact that you equate the tactics and goals of Hamas and Hezbollah with Israel (and our policies with Iran's policies) pretty much calls into question anything else you might have to say on the subject.

    Um, yes. They were targeted for extinction before the ink was dry at the UN after they were granted statehood.

    Does it bother you that Menachem Begin was prime minister 30 years ago, and died 20 years ago? Or that he gave away the Sinai back to Egypt?

    There was nothing barbaric about the capture of those places after the Six-Day War. If they were really barbaric they would've bulldozed Damascus and Cairo, but they realized the UN and the Soviets weren't happy so they stopped. If those places weren't launching pads for terrorists and rockets aimed at Israel then you might have a point.
    SMFH on all of these responses. How anybody can think the way you do is truly unbelievable. Like a programmed robot.

    Begin is dead so what he did doesn't count? Really? How about this. Was Einstein in error in describing his people as being fascist? Yes or no?

    Only in America are people so brainwashed....or better described....brain dead.
  • jhay78
    Footwedge;1262256 wrote:SMFH on all of these responses. How anybody can think the way you do is truly unbelievable. Like a programmed robot.

    Begin is dead so what he did doesn't count? Really? How about this. Was Einstein in error in describing his people as being fascist? Yes or no?

    Only in America are people so brainwashed....or better described....brain dead.
    I've said this before, but one doesn't have to approve of everything Israel and its leaders have done in order to see the huge differences between their position and that of Hamas/Hezbollah. One side merely wants to exist, and has at times crossed the line in order to defend itself; the other side exists solely for the purpose of blotting the other side out of existence.

    Either Israel has a right to exist (and thus defend themselves against threats from Iran or whomever), or they don't. Pretty simple.