
Romney a Birther?

  • stlouiedipalma
    Well, given the extremist views some from the Republican Party have voiced in the last week (Todd Akin and others) it's no surprise that many of the extreme right who frequent this website have been quite silent. Perhaps they are taking the advice of the leading Republican oxy addict, Rush Limbaugh, when he says to not answer questions about rape and the RNC platform.

    Well, all was going fine and good until Mitt himself decided it was time to put his best foot forward. Mitt has officially joined the birther movement. His comments in Michigan prove tha he is now no better than Donald Trump, et al, and has become bat-shit crazy.

    Isn't it funny how, the more Mitt tries to get on message about the economy, he and his idiot brethren manage to go off-point and bring up social issues and lose valuable ground in this campaign? Just another reason why Mitt isn't ready, isn't capable and isn't smart enough to run this country.
  • bases_loaded
    I thought he was being a little facetious.

    I think the media should focus on this though while taking Biden's word that he wasn't talking about Republicans and slavery though(while using a black dialect)...
  • jmog
    How can you really say Mitt is not ready to run the country after the lack of experience Obama had in 2008? You can't say that Obama had more without lying.
  • jmog
    Also you are a moron if you can't see that he was joking and making light of the fringe right.
  • isadore
    a little red meat for the bigots in the republican party.
  • HitsRus
    ^^^There are people on the extremes in both that ALL you got?. Let's talk about the economy.
  • isadore
    romney throws some red meat to the 30 or so percent of his supporters who are hard core bigots and when someone reacts to this pandering what do you say, lets talk about something else.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    isadore;1254504 wrote:romney throws some red meat to the 30 or so percent of his supporters who are hard core bigots and when someone reacts to this pandering what do you say, lets talk about something else.
    Bigots? You mean the 99% of supporters that are sick of the direction of the country, the lack of jobs for their children, and the devaluation of their homes and other hard assets.
  • believer
    Manhattan Buckeye;1254515 wrote:Bigots? You mean the 99% of supporters that are sick of the direction of the country, the lack of jobs for their children, and the devaluation of their homes and other hard assets.
    Never try to argue the issues and common-sense politics with hard-core leftists. Their heads explode.
  • isadore
    Manhattan Buckeye;1254515 wrote:Bigots? You mean the 99% of supporters that are sick of the direction of the country, the lack of jobs for their children, and the devaluation of their homes and other hard assets.
    gosh a ruddies we are talking about that 30 or so % of the republican party who show their obvious racism by their continuing belief in the birther fraud.
  • believer
    isadore;1254570 wrote:gosh a ruddies we are talking about that 30 or so % of the republican party who show their obvious racism by their continuing belief in the birther fraud.
    Link to back-up your point?

    Speaking of frauds....the Obama presidency.
  • BGFalcons82
    jmog;1254486 wrote:Also you are a moron if you can't see that he was joking and making light of the fringe right.
    Gosh a rudies, this is the correct perspective.
    gosh a ruddies we are talking about that 30 or so % of the republican party who show their obvious racism by their continuing belief in the birther fraud.
    There are a lot of things that can be stated about the birthers, but I have no idea how racism qualifies. To regurgitate, the birthers believe Obama is not an American citizen either by birth or by lacking to change his status when he returned to the states from his life as an Indonesian. To claim one's race is superior because they believe Obama isn't an American is not a logical step. If they were claiming he was born in England, would that be racist?

    I know the Left loves to play the racist card every hour on the hour, but the logic trail develops a sinkhole to call all birthers racists.
  • fish82
    Bam is allowed to joke about stuff. Mittens isn't.

    Got it. :rolleyes:

    P.S....if the left is so buthurt over this topic, someone should probably tell Bam to stop selling those funny coffee mugs on his website.
  • HitsRus
    gosh a ruddies we are talking about that 30 or so % of the republican party who show their obvious racism by their continuing belief in the birther fraud
    Ha!...coming from those who define 'racism' to fit their needs with their forked tongue....Those that have been, and will always be the ultimate slave masters,....those that entrap and ensnare the weak and disadvantaged into their web of dependency. Maybe there are a few bigots that call themselves Republicans....but the entire democratic party, and everything it stands for, may be the most duplicitous racists in history.
  • isadore
    believer;1254578 wrote:Link to back-up your point?

    Speaking of frauds....the Obama presidency.
    The Pew Research Center found that 34 percent of conservative Republicans now believe Obama, who is a Christian, is actually a Muslim, compared with the 16 percent that believed that in 2008. When moderate and liberal Republicans are included, the number who believed that the president a Muslim still nearly doubled from 16 percent in 2008 to 30 percent in 2012.
  • isadore
    BGFalcons82;1254605 wrote:Gosh a rudies, this is the correct perspective.

    There are a lot of things that can be stated about the birthers, but I have no idea how racism qualifies. To regurgitate, the birthers believe Obama is not an American citizen either by birth or by lacking to change his status when he returned to the states from his life as an Indonesian. To claim one's race is superior because they believe Obama isn't an American is not a logical step. If they were claiming he was born in England, would that be racist?

    I know the Left loves to play the racist card every hour on the hour, but the logic trail develops a sinkhole to call all birthers racists.
    how completely disingenuous. the birther claim is tied to obama is a muslim in the belief of a large part of the republican party.
  • Al Bundy
    isadore;1254624 wrote:how completely disingenuous. the birther claim is tied to obama is a muslim in the belief of a large part of the republican party.
    It's non-issue, but people laugh at the birther claim because he claimed that he would be the most transparent president ever, and he won't even show his birth certificate or discertation.
  • gut
    Al Bundy;1254655 wrote:It's non-issue, but people laugh at the birther claim because he claimed that he would be the most transparent president ever, and he won't even show his birth certificate or discertation.
    Obama is very transparent. ;)
  • BoatShoes
    Manhattan Buckeye;1254515 wrote:Bigots? You mean the 99% of supporters that are sick of the direction of the country, the lack of jobs for their children, and the devaluation of their homes and other hard assets.
    As the GOP proposes policies that real world evidence indicates will only make those problems worse...but no big deal...
  • BoatShoes
    HitsRus;1254616 wrote:Ha!...coming from those who define 'racism' to fit their needs with their forked tongue....Those that have been, and will always be the ultimate slave masters,....those that entrap and ensnare the weak and disadvantaged into their web of dependency. Maybe there are a few bigots that call themselves Republicans....but the entire democratic party, and everything it stands for, may be the most duplicitous racists in history.
    Utterly laughable. But what should I expect any more?
  • isadore
    Al Bundy;1254655 wrote:It's non-issue, but people laugh at the birther claim because he claimed that he would be the most transparent president ever, and he won't even show his birth certificate or discertation.
    a birther is among us.
    obama birth information is out there. did he even do a dissertation, he got a law degree, you don't do dissertation for them but for PHDs his thesis is out there. what was not originally in circulation was his wife's thesis, but it was released years ago before the 2008 election. now as to mitt's tax returns....
  • BGFalcons82
    isadore;1254624 wrote:the birther claim is tied to obama is a muslim in the belief of a large part of the republican party.
    Utter and complete failure. You said birthers are racists and now you are saying its about being a muslim for some. No coherence whatsoever. I'd regurgitate the definition of a birther again but you flat out don't give a rat's ass as you have your own definitions all locked in.

    Have a great day.
  • HitsRus
    Utterly laughable. But what should I expect any more?
    I would expect you would think that as you cannot think outside the box of your indoctrination. White liberal elitists defined racism to best benefit their world view. That others see thru it has to be "utterly laughable" otherwise you wouldn't be able to sleep at night if you seriously considered what you are really doing to people.
  • isadore
    BGFalcons82;1254728 wrote:Utter and complete failure. You said birthers are racists and now you are saying its about being a muslim for some. No coherence whatsoever. I'd regurgitate the definition of a birther again but you flat out don't give a rat's ass as you have your own definitions all locked in.

    Have a great day.
    a bigot is a bigot is a tea party birther. and that type make up a large portion as of the republican party.
  • jmog
    isadore;1254570 wrote:gosh a ruddies we are talking about that 30 or so % of the republican party who show their obvious racism by their continuing belief in the birther fraud.
    Link to prove 30% that are birthers? That is hilarious.