
Australian Government To Introduce Internet Filter

  • tk421
    Wow, I thought our government was out of it's mind. This is crazy. I can't believe they are trying to pass this off as helping the children. I had no idea that the Australian government was so hardcore in controlling their citizens. So much for that laid back Outback attitude. What is an entire country going to do without access to porn?
  • fossywriter8
    Australia -- where men are men and wallabies are scared.
  • eersandbeers
    Most totalitarian measures start in the name of safety. eg. Patriot Act
  • Writerbuckeye
    eersandbeers wrote: Most totalitarian measures start in the name of safety. eg. Patriot Act
    This is true.

    Obamacare would be another. I'm sure if it passes in some form they'll come up with some very caring type of name (like NICE in England) that will end up being the opposite in reality.
  • cbus4life
    Writerbuckeye wrote:
    eersandbeers wrote: Most totalitarian measures start in the name of safety. eg. Patriot Act
    This is true.

    Obamacare would be another. I'm sure if it passes in some form they'll come up with some very caring type of name (like NICE in England) that will end up being the opposite in reality.
    What the hell does Obamacare have to do with Australia and internet filters?
  • Writerbuckeye
    So I'm not allowed to respond to a poster who makes a comment not directly related to the original topic?
  • cbus4life
    No, you're allowed to, and i'm allowed to make a comment that this has nothing to do with Obamacare, which doesn't even exist.
  • Strapping Young Lad