I hope LJ sees his way to allow this post.
I am actively involved in a strategy to influence the GOP in Ohio (And in the country) to return to its Conservative, Constitutional Roots. I have been a registered Republican since I started voting (much to the chagrin of my dear Democratic Mother) I am a conservative, especially fiscally conservative! But I have watched my own party move further and further to the center, so far so that I believed the Republican Party to be just as much part of the problems in many cases as the free spending Democrats. I had become so disenchanted that I was seriously considering registering as an Independent. And I believe I would have if I had not found this strategy. I am not sure if LJ will let me post my e-mail address here? So I am going to error on the side of caution and ask you to do this. If you are interested in learning more about this stratgy posy a simple message that you are interest and I will send you a private message detailing what we are doing. Even if you yourself are not interested in actively taking a roll in this, you may know someone that will. Thank you!