
What is “Fairness”

  • Belly35
    The media and the Obama agenda want everyone to think that the wealth is cheating the public (class warfare) and should be taxed more to be “fair”. When in reality it those who do nothing, contribute nothing and take from the system are really the ones who are being “unfair” and TAKING more.

    I’m sure some of you smart OC posters can do the math between the wealth paying percentage and the non-contributor taking percentage ….

    Someone explain to me were the fairness is?
    45% to 50% of the population pays little to no taxes but a majority of those non-contributors receive a refund …. Is that really fair to anyone who pays into the IRS?

    Adding to this drain of non-contributors on the system those same individuals take from what they don’t contribute to in the form of social services.

    So who is ready not being “fair” to the public tax payer? Wealth paying a high percentage of the population taxes (asking to pay more) or the non-contributor paying nothing but receiving refunds, social services financial support (public housing, food, medical) there is a cost attached to those benefits to much ?