More spending does not creat jobs ... Obama
Obama proposed plan is to spend 300billion to create jobs....
The Pork Stimulus didn't create jobs it just pissed away money to your party butt buddies, The Green Energy cluster fuck didn't create jobs it just spent millions by your friends .. don't you get it Obama Socialist Programs and Government spending doesn't create jobs nor does it substain employment.
Here three ideas mofo:
1 Global financing is a fraud so fuck the mentality of Global anything .. the the American Finacinal Market that this is America .. the world has to follow US
2. Give small business back the line of credit we had in 2007 before the Global Financing Mofo came knocking at my door.
3. Many small business / owners have Federal tax issue (back taxes). Any small business with $10,000 plus last year taxes owed will not be owed anymore .. (not to be collected).
With increase in line of credit and the additional funds from not having to pay past 2010 taxes will provide money for small business, develop, contractors, investors and manufacturing to reinvest into their companies and create jobs ….