
Obama inherited a huge problem ..... Campaign Theme ..Own up

  • Belly35
    Obama inherited a huge problem ..Own up mofo

    This Public Servant has had 2 year plus and in those two year have made many situation worse. Own up mofo, you are socialist, inherently incompetent, out of touch and notably worse than Carter.

    Dividing America via campaigning on class envy is just wrong on any level. Campaign on your record, accomplishment and success that have made America and its people better. CAN’T

    What the fuck has Obama and the Democrat done for the Black Community but provide unemployment, less education, entitlement mentality and less self-esteem. Keep the poor, uneducated and poverty up and win their votes… is that the New Campanign Theme Obama

    Obama and the Democrat Party have only hinder the “issue of racism” and taken advantage of the Black communities for profit and political gain.
    The 1964 Malcolm X speech to the NAACP is prefect for what was happening between the Democrat and Obama then and it applies even more now. “You Chump”

    NAACP are infusing black Americans with racial hate via race-profiteering to sell their anti American socialistic agenda.

    Professor David Neumark of the University of California at Irvine has found that for every 10% the minimum wage is raised, minority teen unemployment increases by 6.6%. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi raised the minimum wage by more than 40% in January 2007, and black teen unemployment skyrocketed from a still too high – 29.1% to 49% this past month.
  • Belly35
    Where are the Obama support now. Easy to talk about the GOP Candidates but lets get real ….Lets talk Obama platform and campaign what he going to bring to the table: “Jack Shit Mofo”

    What promise this time What promise this time “Hope and Change and more Failure” …
  • jhay78
    All Obama inherited was a super majority in the Senate and a majority in the House. Two years is more than enough under those conditions to enact your agenda and get the economy moving again. That is, unless you have another agenda . . .
  • derek bomar
  • Belly35
    Typical of an Obama supporter has nothing, contributes nothing, present nothing …. quick to change or alter the topic… Oh! Forgot the “blame game” straight out of Democrat Play book 101.
  • derek bomar
    Belly35;862963 wrote:Typical of an Obama supporter has nothing, contributes nothing, present nothing …. quick to change or alter the topic… Oh! Forgot the “blame game” straight out of Democrat Play book 101.

    right...Belly, you're funny, but you're fucking insane.
  • sleeper
    I'm not sure who the poster was on here, but he said it perfectly. Obama can't inherit any of the problems from the former president because Obama chose to run for president. You can only inherit problems if you are appointed or forced into a particular position. Obama ran thinking his plan would set this country on the right direction and he has failed horribly.
  • ts1227
    Lets be honest, most everything posted here is worthless, regardless of affiliation.
  • Devils Advocate
    Obama inherited a huge problem
    I agree :)
    Obama, Reid, and Pelosi raised the minimum wage by more than 40% in January 2007,
    HMMMM.... Did GWB actually sign a bill like this?...

    I actually agree with the MOFO though.. :)
  • QuakerOats
    Belly35;862963 wrote:Typical of an Obama supporter has nothing, contributes nothing, present nothing …. quick to change or alter the topic… Oh! Forgot the “blame game” straight out of Democrat Play book 101.

    When they cannot run on their record all that is left is to ATTACK.

    Given the universal disaster that this presidency has become, you can bet the HEAVY attack artillery will soon be deployed.

    Change we can believe in .....
  • jhay78
    ts1227;862984 wrote:Lets be honest, most everything posted here is worthless, regardless of affiliation.

    I honestly believe your post is at the top of the list . . . :)
  • Belly35
    Come on Democrats what the Obama platform, promises this time, what he got to show for his time in office so far … Blame, blame and excuses are not campaign material … community organizer do that ..
  • Belly35
    Ty and the other faithful Obama butt buddies have nothing ....just like Obama . Can't speak about the Obama platform for 2012 because its a failure... Obama new slogan "Blame, Shame and Scam"
  • Belly35
    Boatshoes a no show also ... the faithful got nothing on the Obama Platform.. for 2012? "Blame, Shame and Scam" vote Obama
  • BGFalcons82
    Belly35;863962 wrote:Ty and the other faithful Obama butt buddies have nothing ....just like Obama . Can't speak about the Obama platform for 2012 because its a failure... Obama new slogan "Blame, Shame and Scam"

    Oh, they got something all right. They're hoarding cash, contributions, and Soros-money for the "Bash the Pub-apalooza" party that starts the minute after the Republican nominee is elected. There will be a text/twitter/facebook/press-release detailing all of the satanic words the nominated Republican said from the time they spit the nipple immediately upon the official naming of the evil scoundrel wearing an R. Chrissy Matthews gave away their strategy a day or so ago when he commanded the forces of the press to go through Perry's trash, find all his late homework assignments, and find a childhood buddy that said Perry wore lipstick as a teenager.

    It's the only arrow in their quiver, Belly35. They'll have it razor-sharp come that fateful night next Spring. They can't run on any record, but they can carry the "devil you know vs. the devil you don't know" tune until their voices creak. It's coming. It's only a matter of time.
  • believer
    BGFalcons82;864164 wrote:It's the only arrow in their quiver, Belly35. They'll have it razor-sharp come that fateful night next Spring. They can't run on any record, but they can carry the "devil you know vs. the devil you don't know" tune until their voices creak. It's coming. It's only a matter of time.
    Yep...just like clock work. It's not a matter of IF but a matter of when. The moronic leftist minions and their pals in the MSM can't wait to get to work.

    Let's hope the fence riders have the intelligence to right the wrong they brought upon the nation when they blindly fell for the Bammer's Hope & Change mantra the last time.
  • majorspark
    Obama saved us from assured depression. He got the economy turned around. Just a little "bad luck" holding the full fruits of his economic policy back. You know things outside of his control. The "Arab Spring", European debt crisis, Tsunami in Japan, etc.. You know the kind of things Bush never faced when he ruined the economy.
  • jhay78
    majorspark;864448 wrote:Obama saved us from assured depression. He got the economy turned around. Just a little "bad luck" holding the full fruits of his economic policy back. You know things outside of his control. The "Arab Spring", European debt crisis, Tsunami in Japan, etc.. You know the kind of things Bush never faced when he ruined the economy.

    You forgot about him "getting" Bin Laden (as in personally, Rambo-style).
  • believer
    majorspark;864448 wrote:Obama saved us from assured depression. He got the economy turned around. Just a little "bad luck" holding the full fruits of his economic policy back. You know things outside of his control. The "Arab Spring", European debt crisis, Tsunami in Japan, etc.. You know the kind of things Bush never faced when he ruined the economy.
    The Bammer's incessant whining, finger pointing, and excuse making amazes me.

    The upcoming presidential race is going to be interesting. While BHO will attempt to convince us once again that he needs 4 more years to fix Bush's mess (IE: 4 more years to really screw things up) the MSM will skewer, roast, and burn the final Repub candidate at the stake.

    Let the games begin!
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    sleeper;862982 wrote:I'm not sure who the poster was on here, but he said it perfectly. Obama can't inherit any of the problems from the former president because Obama chose to run for president. You can only inherit problems if you are appointed or forced into a particular position. Obama ran thinking his plan would set this country on the right direction and he has failed horribly.

    I said it. If I recall correctly I used the analogy of inheriting something from a will - you don't have a choice in the matter. Not only did Obama have a choice he actively campaigned for the position.
  • stlouiedipalma
    What really kills me about all of these candidates is that none of them, Obama included, has put forth any kind of detailed plan of how they can "put us on the right track". I can only surmise that all of them are perfectly willing to let things go completely down the drain before January 20, 2013. If any of them were to put "country first" (to borrow an old campaign theme), they would be working hard to implement a plan right now. Obama claims that he will be putting a plan forward after Congress returns (after Labor Day). Why not hit the ground running and get it out now? That way the members of Congress won't have to waste valuable time when they return as they dissect it.

    Of course, anything Obama puts up will be attacked robustly by the right. This is normal politics. But by putting something detailed together now he can at least show the public what he hopes to accomplish. Whatever it is, if it is some kind of comprehensive jobs package it will probably gain favor with the general public. Without any kind of plan of their own, the Republicans will look to be obstructionists if they dismiss it.

    Sadly, American politics is less about what you've done and more about what looks good from a PR standpoint. I'd say the party (or candidate) who can show they are working to accomplish something will be seen as favorable to the electorate. Anyone can say "no", but the lack of presenting a substantive alternate plan makes you look shallow. There is a lot of talk these days about "leadership". Obama needs to exhibit leadership if he wants any chance of another term. His would-be successors need to exhibit a little of that themselves if they hope to be seen as a rational alternative choice.
  • gut
    majorspark;864448 wrote: He got the economy turned around. Just a little "bad luck" holding the full fruits of his economic policy back.

    Yeah, things are on the right track but it's business' fault for not hiring, so the solution will be to raise corporate taxes since they aren't spending (which will guarantee they don't hire more).