
Democrat and NAACP ….. betrayal

  • Belly35
    Democrat and NAACP ….. betrayal

    Why do Blacks continue to support the Democrat Party and the NAACP?

    Both organization have only hinder the “issue of racism” and taken advantage of the Black communities for profit and political gain.

    The 1964 Malcolm X speech to the NAACP is prefect for what was happening between the Democrat and NAACP then and it applies even more now. youtube: “You Chump”

    NAACP are infusing black Americans with racial hate via race-profiteering to sell their anti American socialistic agenda.

    Professor David Neumark of the University of California at Irvine has found that for every 10% the minimum wage is raised, minority teen unemployment increases by 6.6%. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi raised the minimum wage by more than 40% in January 2007, and black teen unemployment skyrocketed from a still too high – 29.1% to 49% this past month.

    If you are black can you please enlighten the OC readership as to why the support for the Democrat Party and the NAACP?