Racism in the Administration … free pass by Liberal media
Eric Holder should be fired Monday……… IMO
Eric Holder, basically admitted he is not the attorney general of all Americans. Holder gives blacks special preference.
Attorney General, Eric Holder, who is black, told the House Appropriations subcommittee that the New Black Panther voter intimidation case demeans "my people."
Holder went on to explain that the suffering of African Americans seeking the right to vote in the South in the 60s far surpasses the intimidation white voters recently endured in Philadelphia. So much for any pretense of Obama dispensing equal justice to all Americans. Folks, we're talkin' Affirmative Action justice.
Can you imagine what would happen to a white politician using the term, "my people"?
Attorney General of the United States said he is not going to pursue certain criminal charges against blacks because of past racism in America….. WTF
Liberal media, for the most part, says …. free pass