Serious question... Did the pre-game hoopla on FOX, mainly the BHO interview and then the segment with the reading of the Declaration of Independence seem a bit surreal?
I was sitting there with the gorgeous *angel* watching the pre-game on FOX and we both talked about how it made us a feel a little uncomfortable... initially seeing the BHO interview and then watching the NFL's tribute to the Declaration of Independence. It's the freaking Super Bowl!!!! Why interject all this political crap?
For me, (*angel* can, and does, speak for herself quite well), it just didn't seem the right time for the BHO interview. I couldn't help but think that it was only done at that time because BHO knew there would be millions of people watching and he had to get his narcissistic image in the game. Could it be that it was shown at the time it was because it was the only time BHO would agree to be interviewed by FOX's O'Reilly since FOX also had the game? Who knows?
Soon after the BHO interview the tribute to the Declaration of Independence thing was shown. Was this a way for FOX to show they are "Fair and Balanced"? Was it an underhand to the Right to make up for showing BHO earlier? Was it some sort of bone being thrown to the Tea Party who make up a large constituency of the FOX viewership?
Or, as it could definitely appear, was it the NFL honestly paying tribute to the Declaration?
I call shenanigans on the pre-game segments. The Declaration tribute, though well produced, was a somewhat veiled attempt to pacify FOX viewers who would get pissed seeing BHO circumvent a non-political sporting event.
It would have been great, and meant even more, if the NFL and FOX had done the Declaration tribute without also including the BHO interview. It's fine with me for the NFL to pay patriotic tribute to our country but leave politics out of THE Game.