Obama job summit
Do a little media research as to why that is. About half of those 20 million listeners can't stand him. It's the "gawk at a train wreck" syndrome.SQ_Crazies wrote: 20 million listeners...I laugh at people that swear him off and say he's an idiot. -
The American GDP has "nefariously" expanded over the past couple of decades through the migration of corporate America to countries that violate human labor rights. Couple that with the government's expansionary compulsion in order to keep the masses employed (military and welfare) and voillaaa!!! You see American policy accelerate us towards banana Republic status.SQ_Crazies wrote: Cap and tax is done at this point IMO--thank God. But you're right, there is no incentive for a business to attempt to expand right now. Cut their taxes and maybe there will be, but right now there are VERY few business owners in a position to expand. But hey, maybe they should then they'd all be too big to fail right?
You would do better if you read books on the subject as opposed to listening to AM pundits for your knowledge and understanding. -
SQ_CraziesIt doesn't matter how many of them can't stand him--the point is they're listening.
You may do better if you actually knew anything about me or where my knowledge comes from--for all you know I have a masters in economics. I'm not going to debate with you though. No point in wasting my time or yours in a debate that will go nowhere. I do think it's hilarious though that you think you're smarter than Limbaugh because you have a degree. Congratulations. The guy has been studying this and following this much closer than you have for decades. You have a 4 year degree and you would get destroyed in a debate with Limbaugh. I'd pay to hear it. -
Limbaugh is really, really uninformed when it comes to economics. I agree though. Having a business degree does not by default make one smarter than a college driop out...but I digress.SQ_Crazies wrote: It doesn't matter how many of them can't stand him--the point is they're listening.
You may do better if you actually knew anything about me or where my knowledge comes from--for all you know I have a masters in economics. I'm not going to debate with you though, because you're clearly off your rocker. No point in wasting my time or yours in a debate that will go nowhere. I do think it's hilarious though that you think you're smarter than Limbaugh because you have a degree. Congratulations. The guy has been studying this and following this much closer than you have for decades. You have a 4 year degree and you would get destroyed in a debate with Limbaugh. I'd pay to hear it.
But if one has an real passion for a subject, and because of that, one has read over 25 books including "Wealth of Nations", I would give a strong edge to that individual over a radio ratings gatherer.
Thanks though for "not wasting your time in debating me". I LOL'd a little.
Just a thought for you to ponder. Rushbo stated "The entire economic crisis was caused by Freddie and Fannie".
There really isn't any ditto head apologist out there that can possibly defend such an ignorant, ignorant comment. -
SQ_CraziesHaha, anything else? I could use more laughs!
And why did you LOL and little? Am I not right? We don't need to have the debate to realize it would go nowhere. I'm not going to change your mind on anything and you won't either. I'm not interested in wasting that much time, if you are then get a different hobby I guess.
Just for you to ponder, your President (I say your strongly) is blaming the crisis on small business. I don't care how anyone voted, but anyone who still supports this guy has clearly lost their mind. -
FootwedgeOh...and Square....if you had a masters in economics...you would never waste your time in listening to Limbaugh....trust me.
I LOL'd because everytime you "end the debate" you continue to respond...that's an internet LOL from me.SQ_Crazies wrote: Haha, anything else? I could use more laughs!
And why did you LOL and little? Am I not right? We don't need to have the debate to realize it would go nowhere. I'm not going to change your mind on anything and you won't either. I'm not interested in wasting that much time, if you are then get a different hobby I guess.
Just for you to ponder, your President (I say your strongly) is blaming the crisis on small business. I don't care how anyone voted, but anyone who still supports this guy has clearly lost their mind.
I have thick skin though...that is why it didn't bother me when you broke the rules here by telling me I'm "off my rocker". -
SQ_CraziesWouldn't waste my time listening to Limbaugh....bahahhaha...talk about LOLing. People much, much, MUCH smarter than you and I combined listen to Limbaugh daily.
Actually, if you were to review any of my quotes, I never claimed to be smarter than Limbaugh. What I laid claim to....I would slaughter him in an economics debate....not because I am smarter overall...but that I am much better read than he is.SQ_Crazies wrote: Wouldn't waste my time listening to Limbaugh....bahahhaha...talk about LOLing. People much, much, MUCH smarter than you and I combined listen to Limbaugh daily.
I would also add...there are others that post here daily that would smash the economics challenged Rush Limbaugh in a debate as well.
Majorspark, Iggy, Cleveland Buck, Boatshoes, and my bud Fishy to name just a few.
Now I posted 2 quotes up above that I personally heard Limbaugh clamour. You want to comment on them? Or do you want to "end another debate" with me? LOL. -
SQ_CraziesWell, we can't really end a debate that hasn't started now can we?
Well Sq...since you refuse to comment on Rush stating:SQ_Crazies wrote: Well, we can't really end a debate that hasn't started now can we?
1. "The national debt is no big deal"
2. "Fannie and Freddie are 100% responsible for the economic meltdown"...
I guess the debate is in fact over.
See ya on the sports board.