

  • FatHobbit

    Don't they have better stuff to worry about? I hope Florida votes her the hell out of there in the next election. What a dumb ass.
  • BGFalcons82
    I say they should make her wear her hats. That is....since she wants to wear one, she always has to wear it to any event within the Capitol. If she's ever seen without it on, then it stays off of her head forever while in the Capitol.

    BTW...Florida elected the nutjob Alan Grayson once, so nothing is beyond them. :)
  • fish82
    In her defense...that's a pretty damn cool hat. :cool:
  • O-Trap
    Wait, wait, wait ...

    She says it's sexist, but her rationale is that men don't wear hats indoors, but women do???

    Am I the only one who thinks that that statement itself sounds a bit sexist? I mean, she is suggesting an inequality of freedom (men not allowed, but women are) based on sex, is she not?
  • believer
    Don't try to figure it out folks. She is, after all, an ultra-leftist female black Democrat. I'm sure Floridians sent her to Washington to rid DC of hat discrimination. SOMEBODY has to trump Maxine Waters. Right?
  • I Wear Pants
    Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
  • jhay78
    Now that would be some Change We Can Believe In . . .
  • jmog
    What an idiot, the rule is the same for both women and men but its sexist...come on.
  • LJ
    Free Hat Free Hat Free Hat Free Hat
  • O-Trap