
Paychecks versus food stamps

  • QuakerOats
    Well the radical obama/pelosi/reid regime is hell bent on creating ever more government dependency. Pelosi just said she thinkg spending more on food stamps is the way out of this recession; she is a complete imbecile. I cannot believe the wreckage that this triumvirate has heaped upon this nation. The additional damage they could level at us in a lame duck congressional session may be insurmountable.

    Almost every election cycle you hear candidates say that "this is the most important election ever", and mostly that is hot air. However, this time around it is easily the most important election ever ... at least since the late 1800's. We either return to our roots and our common (economic) senses, or we go over the cliff to socialism, greater dependency, and a nanny state.

    Never has the line in the sand been drawn clearer. Te radicals on the left and the RINOs in the middle must be purged.

    Conservatism vs. radical leftwing idealogy
    Capitalism vs. socialism/marxism
    Paychecks vs. food stamps

    God save the Republic.