
Tax increase on the wealthy ...clueless

  • Belly35
    This half –ass Public Servant is clueless to what the American population wants and what best for our country.

    Taxing the wealthy does not answer the call to create jobs, help the economy or provide consumer confidence…
    Have any of you ever worked for a poor person?
    Have you ever been employed by a homeless person?
    Have you ever collected a pay check from an unemployed person?

    All you poor people and unemployed who supported this Obama are you better off today than you where 20 months ago or are you worse. How many Chatter have lost their jobs or have their pay cut 10% or more, no raises …and the fear of losing you job?

    As a business owner taxing me or my business income does not produce anything but tightening the belt on spending and buying for my companies. I’m not going to hire if I’m going to be taxed.

    Go ahead Democrats support this idea and you will be out of work also.

    Hey! Obama want to do something that will have a quick effect …… Quit