Anti-Obama Billboards……….. Small Business Owner against Obama Socialist Agenda.
As a business owner I sent $200.00 and ask about how much for a sign in Canton.
Obama is hurting the small business owner and all the Pork Programs have not helped created work, jobs or prosperity to the small business owneror the public. Public Servant Obama is a joke and his agenda is killing small business and the future of America Wealth. If you’re out of work thank Obama now you have little Hope and a lot less Change in your pocket. Can’t find summer job to earn money to better educate yourself thank Obama for the add entitlements someone else got that does not what to better themselves. Graduate in hopes to land a good job and starting a future hold on voted for what you got no future and no job. Corporation, Financial Institution, the Public and Business Owner have no confidence in this Obama Administration nor do they support the Obama Agenda, Consumer Confidence is at an all time low in America and that does not create work, jobs or production. What to live a life of poverty welcome to the Obama world of socialism……..
I said it once before and I will say it again Not My President……….just Public Servant