Nasa Directed By Obama To Help Muslim Countries "Feel Good" About Science.
tk421This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Just when you think Obama can't get any crazier, he does stuff like this. Has NASA taken over Clinton's job as Sec. of State now? So, I guess we know who to call in for diplomatic issues in the Middle East. What a bunch of bullshit.
We are planning on retiring the space shuttle and won't have a way to reach the international space station, which we spent billions and billions of dollars to build, but instead of working on the next class of space vehicle, Obama wants the NASA director to help Muslim countries "feel good" about themselves in the areas of science and technology. Fucking crazy.
[video=youtube;e857ZcuIfnI][/video]Third, and perhaps foremost, to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contributions to science, math and engineering [emphasis added].
And, lastly, what the fucking hell is the director of NASA doing giving an interview to Al Jazeera? What the fuck? -
I Wear PantsYou know that Al Jazeera isn't like some terrorist network right?
I think that perhaps sending the director is overkill but the idea is sound. Many of the middle eastern countries seem to have a backwards science is bad/western type attitude. Perhaps showing them that many of their own have contributed meaningfully to the subject could help change that.
Not the greatest or most important mission in the world but not the dumbest thing either.
Don't see why it couldn't have been done with a lower level dude but whatever. And Presidents have for decades been ignoring NASA almost completely. -
tk421It might not be a terrorist network, but what's the point? It's a waste of time. I don't see why we need Nasa to be the diplomat for the Middle East. If they want to live in the dark ages, let them. What exactly have they contributed to science anyway?
I Wear PantsOk, well maybe they want to live in the dark ages without democracy? So why don't we let them do that too?
tk421I Wear Pants;414412 wrote:Ok, well maybe they want to live in the dark ages without democracy? So why don't we let them do that too?
I don't know. We should. -
WriterbuckeyeI Wear Pants;414412 wrote:Ok, well maybe they want to live in the dark ages without democracy? So why don't we let them do that too?
I can't think of a system darker in many aspects than Sharia Law. -
I Wear PantsI was just testing to see if he was consistent. It would be hypocritical to think that we should let them do their thing regarding science and everything else and then support us forcing democracy on them.
BoatShoestk421;414404 wrote:It might not be a terrorist network, but what's the point? It's a waste of time. I don't see why we need Nasa to be the diplomat for the Middle East. If they want to live in the dark ages, let them. What exactly have they contributed to science anyway?
Algebra? -
tk421uh huh, anything recently?
CenterBHSFanI don't have much to say about this other than I think it's pretty stupid.
That's all. -
I Wear Pants
I said I think the director is probably overkill for this mission. I mean, could use like a PR director or someone to do it.ccrunner609;414484 wrote:I wear pants will take any stance to serve the lefts view on things. You cant honestly think that this is a good idea?
The middle east has and never will get to contribute to aerospace technology. Obama is an idiot and is working on his only and last term as president
Just because I don't think everything that Obama says is OMG THE WORST THING EVER doesn't mean I take any stance to serve the left view.
Also, if we're going to do that I'd say you take any stance to serve the viewpoints of the right. It gets us nowhere. Why don't we stick with saying why we think this is or isn't a big deal and why? -
I can't disagree with anything you said...................... good post.tk421;413115 wrote:This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Just when you think Obama can't get any crazier, he does stuff like this. Has NASA taken over Clinton's job as Sec. of State now? So, I guess we know who to call in for diplomatic issues in the Middle East. What a bunch of bullshit.
We are planning on retiring the space shuttle and won't have a way to reach the international space station, which we spent billions and billions of dollars to build, but instead of working on the next class of space vehicle, Obama wants the NASA director to help Muslim countries "feel good" about themselves in the areas of science and technology. Fucking crazy.
And, lastly, what the fucking hell is the director of NASA doing giving an interview to Al Jazeera? What the fuck? -
I Wear PantsQuestion: Do you guys think that all work stops when the director steps out or something?
And I highly doubt the director really has any actual hand in the designing of the space shuttle replacement. Probably at best a planning/scheduling guy. Which if we don't have a plan and schedule in place for that we've got bigger problems. -
tk421So, is NASA taking over for the Sec. of State now? Will diplomatic matters be handle through them now?
I Wear Pants
Should we close down all of their educational stuff too since that's taking over the job of educators?tk421;414577 wrote:So, is NASA taking over for the Sec. of State now? Will diplomatic matters be handle through them now? -
tk421You seriously think we should have NASA getting involved with the Middle East? Amazing.
I Wear Pants
How involved are we talking. Just so you know, I've been assuming that what was meant by "reaching out" is doing like seminars and speeches at schools. I don't see a really big issue with that. If it's much more than that though then yes, I'll probably agree with you that this is stupid.tk421;414624 wrote:You seriously think we should have NASA getting involved with the Middle East? Amazing. -
berryThe Space Shiiuttle?
Just doesn't sound right. -
believerYet another dumbass idea from the Anointed One. Why BHO insists on sucking up to the Muslims is a wait a minute...maybe not.
WriterbuckeyePerhaps we should be reaching out to schools in the Middle East and get them to see women as viable students or, for that matter, viable human beings. Then maybe we can talk about trying to up their intelligence level on science and stuff.
believer^^^NAW That's too liberal.
What if we rename the Endeavor to Jihad 1?berry;414707 wrote:The Space Shiiuttle?
Just doesn't sound right. -
Mr. 300At least the country will only have 4 years of Obama fatigue to deal with.
tk421Yeah, I'd have to agree that the Middle East has a lot bigger problems than science to worry about. Like for instance woman's rights. That might be more important.
Belly35Not My President ............. just a bad Public Servant
I sorry I feel this way but I can't thing of anything this PSO has done that will make America better, the World more inviting or anyone future prosperous in any aspect of their life.