
Lawmaker (D) Introduces $165 Billion Union Pension Bailout Bill

  • IggyPride00
    Ohio Republican Congressman Steve Latourette supports this bill and calls it "good government."

    He was so disturbed in fact by a Fox News report that supposedly wildly misrepresented this legislation that he made it a point to go to the House floor to voice his displeasure.

    In his own words:
    "I don't know who the pin head and weenie is at Fox News that decided to put that story together," LaTourette said. "I don't know what they're doing at Fox News, but they should stop smoking it and get back to reporting the facts."
    Here is his whole statement:

  • SQ_Crazies
    Bye, bye LaTourette.

    You know something is bad when Bomar isn't even around to support it...
  • IggyPride00
    SQ_Crazies wrote: Bye, bye LaTourette.

    You know something is bad when Bomar isn't even around to support it...
    He is getting alot of love on the Daily Kos right now. I am shocked quite frankly he would go to bat for a $165 billion dollar union bill like this. I guess now that the primary season is over and he is safe he is letting his guard down about towing the party line. I doubt he fears being voted out of office in favor of a Democrat in November.

    Very surprising to me still.
  • SQ_Crazies
    Yeah, regardless, I didn't think he was that fucking stupid. Good government????? You have to be kidding. Who is bailing out the retirement plans of non-union employees? Nobody. Who is bailing out union pensions? The people who aren't getting theirs bailed out...shady politics at it's finest.
  • dwccrew
    There is no such thing as good government; only government and bad government.