Columbus mayor bans travel to Arizona...
Apple...extends contract with Phoenix-based red light camera company!
This is amazing! It makes no sense to me.
Columbus Dispatch 5/19/10"The mayor will not be approving any travel to Arizona," spokesman Dan Williamson said this morning.
...Columbus recently extended its agreement with Phoenix-based Redflex Traffic Systems Inc., which owns and operates the city's 20 red-light cameras. The new contract will double the number of cameras posted at Columbus intersections to issue tickets to red-light-runners.
Rescinding that program "wouldn't make sense to the taxpayers," Williamson said. -
jmogWhat a moron.
fan_from_texasI don't know if this ban is even Constitutional to do. It seems like it'd violate the dormant Commerce Clause. I guess we'll find out.
Manhattan BuckeyeI think we may have entered into the absolute nadir of America politics, I'll be honest, I haven't read enough about the AZ law to even have an opinion on it. Therefore, I haven't commented on the thread discussing it. I don't know if it is a good law, Constitutional or whatever, by that same token I'm guessing many of these assclowns haven't either. This country has turned into a stage, and we are merely players (obligatory Rush lyric).
krazie45So the Blue Jackets aren't allowed to play the Coyotes on the road?
Yet another reason why Coleman is an absolute joke... -
Little DannyThese boycotts by cities and states are foolish. All is it does is encourage retaliation from competing states. Maybe in response Arizona decides it does not like Columbus's smoking ban so they boycott the city of Columbus and its companies? I know that is far-fetched, but you see where I am headed with this. Cities/States have no business acting as a strong arm for a political interest group. The welfare of all of the citizens are abandoned to cater to the interest of a few.
Now, I have no problem if individuals want to boycott Arizona (or any cause for that matter). This is how the free market works. -
tk421I never knew a state enforcing existing federal laws would cause so much ruckus.
Um, are the Blue Jackets funded by the city of Columbus?krazie45 wrote: So the Blue Jackets aren't allowed to play the Coyotes on the road?
Yet another reason why Coleman is an absolute joke... -
PrescottThis is getting silly.
Arizona Official Threatens to Cut Off Los Angeles Power as Payback for Boycott
.....If Los Angeles wants to boycott Arizona, it had better get used to reading by candlelight.
That's the message from a member of Arizona's top government utilities agency, who threw down the gauntlet Tuesday in a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa by threatening to cut off the city's power supply as retribution. ........ -
WriterbuckeyeIf you've lived in Columbus for any length of time (2 minutes, for example) you know that our mayor IS a moron. This type of meaningless symbolism no doubt taxes the very limits of his God given abilities.
Ehh, as bad as he is, he is no DC mayor haha.Writerbuckeye wrote: If you've lived in Columbus for any length of time (2 minutes, for example) you know that our mayor IS a moron. This type of meaningless symbolism no doubt taxes the very limits of his God given abilities.
Still, a dumb move. -
derek bomarI saw coleman on a bike this weekend...shoulda pushed him off
tk421Did anyone see that the Mexican President went to the White House to visit Obama and they both took the time to criticize the "new' AZ law? What the hell. Where the fuck does a foreign leader get off saying anything about laws in this fucking country, and why the hell does Obama and his administration let him? This crap just makes me hate our government even more. -
Good for AZ, you try to piss on us and we'll crap on you.Prescott wrote: This is getting silly.
Arizona Official Threatens to Cut Off Los Angeles Power as Payback for Boycott
.....If Los Angeles wants to boycott Arizona, it had better get used to reading by candlelight.
That's the message from a member of Arizona's top government utilities agency, who threw down the gauntlet Tuesday in a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa by threatening to cut off the city's power supply as retribution. ........ -
derek bomarand so began the second civil war
CenterBHSFantk421 wrote: Did anyone see that the Mexican President went to the White House to visit Obama and they both took the time to criticize the "new' AZ law? What the hell. Where the fuck does a foreign leader get off saying anything about laws in this fucking country, and why the hell does Obama and his administration let him? This crap just makes me hate our government even more.
It's pretty f'n sad when the President of the United States of American cannot or will not recognize what civil rights means.The controversy over the Arizona law, which would make it a state crime to be in the country illegally, hung over Calderon's visit. Both leaders oppose the law, with Obama directing the Justice Department to review it for possible civil rights violations,
In case anybody doesn't know for sure, here is the definition.
Main Entry: civil rights
Function: noun plural
Date: 1658
the nonpolitical rights of a citizen especially the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress
No, Jackass!!! Country and national borders are designed to separate one boundary from the other. Not to mingle or blend."We can do so if we create a safer border, a border that will unite us instead of dividing us, uniting our people," Calderon said.
And why Obama put up with his verbal hijinx is wayyyy beyond me. Insupportable!!!
Something tells me that Obama's nuts are sucked up into his diaphram somewhere. It's time for him to stop his nicey-nicey posing and demand respect for this country from the likes of Calderon and others like him. No, instead, he stands quietly aside and lets this guttersnipe pronounce derision upon this country. If Calderon could manage his own damn country, he wouldn't have to worry about a state law in American that reflects federal law in every way.
It's friggen humilating. And I'm going to stop my rant right now before I get really nasty. -
Little Danny
Obama should have have asked the Mexican President why he is being such a hypocrite. In Mexico, citizens are required to carry an ID card. Visitors who do not possess proper documents and ID are subject to arres! In Mexcio, not only do the cops and the military get in on the action, citizens are empowered to make citizen arrests on suspected illegal aliens and are able to turn them in to the authorities. Obama then should have asked him why there are laws on the books in Mexico outlawing speech by foreigners critical of political affairs of the country--- meaning Obama could have been arrested if the shoes was on the other foot. Finally, Obama should have asked him about reports of reported inhumane treatment of central american illegals, including allegations of human trafficking.tk421 wrote: Did anyone see that the Mexican President went to the White House to visit Obama and they both took the time to criticize the "new' AZ law? What the hell. Where the fuck does a foreign leader get off saying anything about laws in this fucking country, and why the hell does Obama and his administration let him? This crap just makes me hate our government even more. -
tk421Obama is too much of a pussy to do any of that. God, I'd give anything for a President who had balls to stand up for this fucking country to others.
Little DannyPress Release from the White House:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It has been decided a new seal of the office of President of the United States is to be put into affect. This will take place immediately. The reason for the change is so the seal can represent the true beliefs of this office. In addition, the very seal in itself will be this office's response to all matters of state.
We had one, good or bad (depending on who you talk to) from 2001-2008.tk421 wrote: Obama is too much of a pussy to do any of that. God, I'd give anything for a President who had balls to stand up for this fucking country to others. -
derek bomar
eh...don't remind mejmog wrote:
We had one, good or bad (depending on who you talk to) from 2001-2008.tk421 wrote: Obama is too much of a pussy to do any of that. God, I'd give anything for a President who had balls to stand up for this fucking country to others. -
Glory Days
BCBulldogMaybe Coleman would like to further discuss his announcement with Glenn Beck. That couldn't possibly go wrong could it?
Because the federal government decided not to secure the borders.The current administration can't risk losing the votes.and so began the second civil war