Belly35 wrote:
If she was in Muslin Dominated Country would she be raped or jailed or beheaded because of her uncovered body and the bikini contest?
In that Muslin base country ..she would be a Boob Terrorist
Not all muslim countries treat their women as second class citizens. There is plenty of groups here in the US in which women are treated as second class citizens (i.e. mormons of Utah). While it is not the norm here, it still happens.
cbus4life wrote:
I would hit it.
ptown_trojans_1 wrote:
Belly35 wrote:
If she was in Muslin Dominated Country would she be raped or jailed or beheaded because of her uncovered body and the bikini contest?
In that Muslin base country ..she would be a Boob Terrorist
What you mean like Tunisia, Indonesia, Turkey, India, Lebanon, and Syria? (Note, I went to a beach in Syria where there were bikini laden women. It was nice, very nice. And have been to Lebanon which was heaven on earth.)
My father's side of the family is from Lebanon and I hope to visit there soon. We still own a house there. I hear Beirut is the shit.
jhay78 wrote:
From the article:
But she and her sister said the family celebrates both Muslim and Christian faiths and prefer to be referred to as Lebanese, Arabs or Arab-Americans.
Not all Muslims are terrorists- but I guess not even all Muslims are Muslims!
Like Belly said- women are trampled upon in Muslim-dominated countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Can't stand Savage- I'm curious as to others who object to her winning.
YEs, like Iran and Sauid Arabia, but not so much in others. This girl is Lebanese, not muslim. Lebanon is divided (population wise) nearly equally between Christians and Muslims.
I can relate to this girl in the fact that I am also Lebanese (born in the US though and my mother is not Lebanese) and grew up in a house that celebrated both faiths (christianity and islam). I practice neither, but respect both.