
Obama nominates Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

  • QuakerOats
    A radical leftist; yes that's what we need on the High Court.

    More ........................................ change we can believe in ......
  • ptown_trojans_1
    QuakerOats wrote: A radical leftist; yes that's what we need on the High Court.

    More ........................................ change we can believe in ......
    Is she radical? I don't think so. If she was, the left would be in all praise. Instead, the radical left wing doesn't like her.
  • cbus4life
    QuakerOats wrote: A radical leftist; yes that's what we need on the High Court.

    More ........................................ change we can believe in ......
    She's not really all that radical...
  • ptown_trojans_1
    WND is a right wings news source, so of course they are going to paint her in that light. That is like a liberal posting things from Huffington. Consider the source there chief.
  • QuakerOats
    I understand the source; I also understand the facts surrounding her positions.
  • fan_from_texas
    She's not a radical. While she's clearly a leftist, she's a fairly nuanced and moderate one. I'm not thrilled with the pick (largely because she's bright and young, and can serve as a long-term counterweight to Scalia/Roberts). But I don't see how Rs can be particularly opposed on ideological grounds. It's not like Obama was going to pick a conservative to fill the vacancy. He was going to pick a lib. The question is which lib. And out of the field, she's much less radical than many other nominees.

    My pref would have been for Dianne Wood on the 7th Cir, but for selfish reasons--a friend and former colleague is clerking for her right now, and he's a great guy who would've deserved the SCOTUS clerkship.
  • QuakerOats

    ".. a legal progressive..."

    And we all know that progressive is code for socialist ........... the beat goes on .........
  • cbus4life
    I don't think a crazy leftist radical would agree that certain Al-Qaeda suspects should be held indefinitely without trial, support the 2nd amendment wholeheartedly so that individual Americans can protect themselves, state outright that there is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage, or support the hiring of someone who helped to craft the interrogration policies approved under the Bush administration. She was known at Harvard as being someone who fully supported and pushed for the hiring of decidedly conservative faculty, and has shown the ability to work with all sides of the political spectrum.

    She has said and done all those things.

    I know more radical leftists who are not entirely pleased with the nomination than those who are happy because someone that fits with their own ideology has been nominated.
  • cbus4life
    QuakerOats wrote:

    ".. a legal progressive..."

    And we all know that progressive is code for socialist ........... the beat goes on ......... is not even close to being code for socialist.
  • ptown_trojans_1

    Interesting, the WSJ is defending the attacks on the nominee.
  • Writerbuckeye
    fan_from_texas wrote:
    fish82 wrote: She's Harriet Miers with a few years at Harvard padding her resume. Color me unimpressed.
    Are you kidding? Harriet Miers was an intellectual lightweight who had a very unimpressive resume by normal 'elite' lawyer standards, let alone a SCOTUS nominee. Kagan's resume is very solid. She isn't my preferred pick, but she's lightyears ahead of HM.

    She leans left, but she's not as far left as others could be. She'll be confirmed without too much trouble, as she should be.
    Color me unimpressed with someone who should be the guardian of academic integrity at her university -- and turns a blind eye to blatant plagiarism on her watch.

    Character counts for something -- and she obviously lacks it.
  • IggyPride00
    My pref would have been for Dianne Wood on the 7th Cir, but for selfish reasons--a friend and former colleague is clerking for her right now, and he's a great guy who would've deserved the SCOTUS clerkship.
    She probably would have been the pick were she 10 years younger, as she is the liberal darling, and the one that the net roots crowd really wanted. Both political parties now though have made it a point to stack the court with as young a justices as they can for the most part, 50-55 seems to be the new sweet spot as far as that is concerned.
  • SQ_Crazies
    It's so sad that we've come to a point in our country when we're talking about justices on the Supreme Court being liberal or conservative "darlings". And people wonder why our country is so fucked up.
  • I Wear Pants
    QuakerOats wrote: A radical leftist; yes that's what we need on the High Court.

    More ........................................ change we can believe in ......
    How is she a radical leftist?
  • QuakerOats
    cbus4life wrote: is not even close to being code for socialist.
    Sure it is; it is liberal re-branding at its finest.

    And we can all name some rather (in)famous Progressive/Socialists in history.
  • cbus4life
    Isn't there a "progressive republican" movement taking place at the moment?

    Are they "socialist republicans"?
  • QuakerOats
    No, but there is a conservative republican movement afoot.
  • LJ
    QuakerOats wrote: No, but there is a conservative republican movement afoot.
    There most certainly is
  • QuakerOats

    This is the type of change that is coming ...... and that we can truly believe in ..........
  • I Wear Pants
    I don't see how that's related at all to the thread.
  • cbus4life
    It isn't. Completely ignored LJ's post haha.
  • Little Danny
    I saw this article earlier and I thiought it was interesting. Friends are now stating Kagan is not gay.

    If she is gay, why are people denying it? Why would this administration deny it?