How big is the "liberal media bias"?
You're wrong. The left-leaning sites also have control of every major news organization that provides all media with each days news wire stories. That's like a factor of millions carrying their original stories (or variations of them) to anyone who looks at news headlines only on places as innocuous as RoadRunner or Yahoo.ptown_trojans_1 wrote: Writer,
While the left has all those outlets, I think the ratings of Fox News and talk radio balances the two sides out. The NYT, Wapo, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN reach as many people as Fox and talk radio. That to me brings some sort of balance.
Besides, without looking up the numbers, there is no way all the right wing talk radio numbers are even in the same stratosphere as the hundreds of millions who see the network news programs, read those major dailies (and their news service versions all day). Remember, even regular music programs on radio stations have "news breaks" where they run with wire service news.
Virtually all of that comes from organizations like the NY Times, Washington Post and AP. There are millions more who are getting their news from the left, as opposed to the right.
The only balance, if any exists, is in New Media where the Internet has spawned a good number of right leaning sites that, in the right mix, can provide some pretty good counter to what we're being old by the Legacy media outlets (the old guard companies mentioned above). But those numbers lag by the tens of millions behind what I mentioned above. -
believerBoatshoes attempts above to disprove the idea of liberal media bias by pointing out - as an example - why a corporate entity like GE would want to jeopardize its own profit-motivated self-interest by allowing its liberal NBC media division to assist in the election of BHO knowing that cap & trade may lay on the horizon. Meanwhile Writerbuckeye countered (and rightfully so) that GE also has heavy interest in the so-called "green technologies" from which the corporation might also profit.
The mainstream media is heavily staffed and managed by liberals (trained in "journalism" by liberals in generally liberal institutions of higher learning) who will either covertly or overtly politically assist most if not all left-wing politicians to assert its own left-leaning world view.
That's simply a hard reality for anyone who possesses a modicum of intellectual honesty.
Outlets like Fox News, talk radio, and right-wing web-based blogs barely counter this left-wing bias when you consider the pervasive nature of generally liberal media outlets worldwide (BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NY Times, Times magazine, Newsweek, CNN, MSNBC, and - yes - NPR just to name a few).
The only reason outlets like Fox News, talk radio, etc. have shown such tremendous growth is because these are options finally available to a vast number of folks who have grown tired of having their own long-held conservative political viewpoints bemoaned, besmirched, ridiculed, and largely ignored by the liberal news outlets for decades.
If the mainstream media would attempt to practice truly balanced objective journalism instead of assisting with left-wing political causes, Fox News and talk radio might not even be a necessity. -
PaladinI always chuckle at threads such as this. Or any threads that tries to make a "comparasion" of "liberal bias". This is the reality in our obsessed over -stressed political climate -- the Far Right has so demonized politics and yelled & screamed so much that reality has become distorted. If you don't agree with them or support their ideas , you are then "LIBERAL". The reality is they have demonized Moderates too and that is where a great deal of Op/Ed falls, inaddition to the obvious Liberal positions. They have demonized Moderates in their own party and chased most of them out, demanding a shrill Far Right voice. Much of TV and print media fall in the Moderate column, but the Far Right merely attempts to villify all as if it was MSNBC or Mother Jones. Those who look objectively at the situation are not swayed by the propaganda that emits from the Far Right hate machine and is boosted by Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc. The R politicans merely mimic their poster boys at Fox while demonizing all others as "liberal", even their now chased away Moderate brothers in the R party, and all of America's Moderate Independents.
The soap opera "As the World Turns" continues !! -
2quik4uthe word "blasts" is way overused by the media
BigdoggI think most main stream news outlets just report the news. No doubt news anchors have their own personal bias but if they are doing their job professionally and responsibility, then it should not mater.
People on the extremes of both sides are free to beleive what they want. -
If you accept that that's true, that GE would promote BHO through its news division in order to get support for its green technologies, I don't see how it defeats my point that is not a liberal/socialist/marxist philosophy flowing through our news, but Corporate interests in supporting their bottom line.believer wrote: Boatshoes attempts above to disprove the idea of liberal media bias by pointing out - as an example - why a corporate entity like GE would want to jeopardize its own profit-motivated self-interest by allowing its liberal NBC media division to assist in the election of BHO knowing that cap & trade may lay on the horizon. Meanwhile Writerbuckeye countered (and rightfully so) that GE also has heavy interest in the so-called "green technologies" from which the corporation might also profit.
Perhaps I was wrong in saying GE wouldn't want Cap and Tax; But even if it does, it's not because of their puppy dog and rainbow political ideology, but because they want to improve the value of their shareholder's stock.
Accepting Writer's point about GE's interest in Green Technology doesn't support the concept of liberal bias, but undermines it. -
Replace "Far Right" with "Far Left" and you also have the Democratic Party.Paladin wrote:They have demonized Moderates in their own party and chased most of them out, demanding a shrill Far Right voice. -
How in the world does it undermine it? Are you saying that corporate interests can't coincide with a liberal philosophy? If that's so, you're nuts. There are some very liberal-leaning corporations and foundations out there, and some extremely liberal businessmen who have the same goals as Obama and are more than willing to use their resources to get to the same place.BoatShoes wrote:
If you accept that that's true, that GE would promote BHO through its news division in order to get support for its green technologies, I don't see how it defeats my point that is not a liberal/socialist/marxist philosophy flowing through our news, but Corporate interests in supporting their bottom line.believer wrote: Boatshoes attempts above to disprove the idea of liberal media bias by pointing out - as an example - why a corporate entity like GE would want to jeopardize its own profit-motivated self-interest by allowing its liberal NBC media division to assist in the election of BHO knowing that cap & trade may lay on the horizon. Meanwhile Writerbuckeye countered (and rightfully so) that GE also has heavy interest in the so-called "green technologies" from which the corporation might also profit.
Perhaps I was wrong in saying GE wouldn't want Cap and Tax; But even if it does, it's not because of their puppy dog and rainbow political ideology, but because they want to improve the value of their shareholder's stock.
Accepting Writer's point about GE's interest in Green Technology doesn't support the concept of liberal bias, but undermines it.
How silly to assume that just because an entity is "corporate" that it somehow has to be conservative. -
Naw....You have it all wrong. All eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevillllll profit-making corporations are run by greedy, environmentally-damaging, sexist, racist far right-wing conservative white males including Generous Electric.Writerbuckeye wrote:How silly to assume that just because an entity is "corporate" that it somehow has to be conservative. -
Just because the same amount of people watch it doesn't mean it is balanced. There are far less right leaning bias then left. Regardless of who listens to what.ptown_trojans_1 wrote: Writer,
While the left has all those outlets, I think the ratings of Fox News and talk radio balances the two sides out. The NYT, Wapo, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN reach as many people as Fox and talk radio. That to me brings some sort of balance.