
Creepy Pennsylvania tax ad

  • majorspark
    I saw this ad and could not believe it was real. I have checked everywhere and it appears legit. In starting I have had to deal with paying a lot of taxes and not having a lot of money. Sometimes things can get messed up or it can be difficult to pay when you need to pay employees and put food on the table. So I sympathize with taxpayers in that kind of situation.

    What the hell is with this ad? We know who you are? Sattelite images of homes? I think PA needs to worry more about their spending problems than putting out ads like this. Its hard to believe they can be this stupid....wait.... I guess its not so hard.

    This is not at all the way to go about collecting delinquent tax debts. This just shows the arrogance and how the power has gone to the heads of many in government.

    I am glad I am not Tom and living in Pennsylvania.
  • I Wear Pants

    I thought it was funny in a "this is an entirely poor way to go about this" kind of way.
  • ManO'War
    I hear it on the radio ten times per day too...definetly not a good ad campaign.
  • LJ
    Still not as bad as that bitch RITA who knows everything about you yet many people have never even heard of her! lol