We need to adopt North Korea's policy on Illegal Immigration!
IggyPride00I was just reading the story about the American jailed in North Korea for allegedly illegally crossing the border, and I have to say that Kim Jong Il "gets it" in terms of having a policy that actually deters people from even thinking about illegally crossing the border.
The American's punishment you ask?
8 Years hard labor and a a fine of 70 million North Korean won ($489,000 American dollars).
Could you imagine the things this country could build/repair if we rounded up all the illegals mooching off the government and made them put in 8 years hard labor and fined them to kingdom come like that! Like in North Korea, people on the other side might stop running to the border and instead make sure to run from it.
http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/04/06/north.korea.american.sentenced/index.html?hpt=T2 -
majorsparkInsinuating that those opposed to amnesty for illegals (who broke the law) should change their views based on the extreme policies of the totalitarian government in North Korea is ridiculous.
I am insinuating nothing, and am serious as a heart attack about the need for border security because we as a country can't afford millions of new mouths to feed every year and having no repercussions just encourages more of it considering the Mexican govt can't get their act together.majorspark wrote: Insinuating that those opposed to amnesty for illegals (who broke the law) should change their views based on the extreme policies of the totalitarian government in North Korea is ridiculous.
Much to the consternation of conservatives, the amnesty bill will almost certainly be based on the model used when St. Ronny passed amnesty for all in the 80's. Liberals will use that as a talking point to make it seem within the mainstream considering the patron saint of conservatism was a card carrying member of the amnesty for all fanclub.
Clearly I am not entirely serious about using NK type tactics about labor camps and whatnot, but I think it offers a useful example of how you can discourage foreigners from trying to illegally enter the country by making the outcome unattractive if caught. -
believerThe ILLEGAL immigration issue is not about to go away anytime soon.
On the left side of the political fence we hear accusations of racism, prejudice against Latinos, etc. But the truth is that by giving illegals a free pass and giving them a fast-track to citizenship, they know full well that a vast majority of these new "Americans" will vote Democrat thus improving their power base.
On the right side of the political fence we hear tough talk about the need to secure our borders and the fact that anyone who seeks to work in the United States should enter legally. But the truth is they know full well that illegals will do the shit jobs millions of Americans sucking on our generous welfare tit refuse to do thus turning a blind eye to the issue and helping businesses who depend on that cheap labor a la St. Ronny.
I'm beginning to think that rather than using Draconian measures to prevent illegal entry into this country like the North Koreans, we ought to legalize illicit drug use in this county so the drug cartels in Mexico can stop feuding and start hiring Mexicans to feed the drug habits of millions of Americans who think their lives are so terrible they have to melt millions of brain cells to numb the "pain." -
Al Bundy
The fine amount would be meaningless because it would never get paid. We do need to look at tougher laws for both security and economic interests.IggyPride00 wrote: I was just reading the story about the American jailed in North Korea for allegedly illegally crossing the border, and I have to say that Kim Jong Il "gets it" in terms of having a policy that actually deters people from even thinking about illegally crossing the border.
The American's punishment you ask?
8 Years hard labor and a a fine of 70 million North Korean won ($489,000 American dollars).
Could you imagine the things this country could build/repair if we rounded up all the illegals mooching off the government and made them put in 8 years hard labor and fined them to kingdom come like that! Like in North Korea, people on the other side might stop running to the border and instead make sure to run from it.
http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/04/06/north.korea.american.sentenced/index.html?hpt=T2 -
CenterBHSFanWhy isn't there an ex-President going over there to get that person also?
rookie_j70one way to solve the illegal immigrant plauge in our country is to send them to iraq. if they want to be here so bad they can go fight for us. if they come back alive; instant green card. if they die, OH WELL....who cares, those illegal parasites are expendeble
Exactly what is wrong with this country and your party... -
1. That is already policy. Thousands of illegals sign up and defend our country with their lives. I'd thank them if I was you, and not treat them as expendables.rookie_j70 wrote: one way to solve the illegal immigrant plauge in our country is to send them to iraq. if they want to be here so bad they can go fight for us. if they come back alive; instant green card. if they die, OH WELL....who cares, those illegal parasites are expendeble
2. Good to hear you treat human life as expendables. Classy. -
Didn't we try this with slavery?IggyPride00 wrote: I was just reading the story about the American jailed in North Korea for allegedly illegally crossing the border, and I have to say that Kim Jong Il "gets it" in terms of having a policy that actually deters people from even thinking about illegally crossing the border.
The American's punishment you ask?
8 Years hard labor and a a fine of 70 million North Korean won ($489,000 American dollars).
Could you imagine the things this country could build/repair if we rounded up all the illegals mooching off the government and made them put in 8 years hard labor and fined them to kingdom come like that! Like in North Korea, people on the other side might stop running to the border and instead make sure to run from it.
Or was it the way we treated the Irish/Asians in the 1800s.... indentured servants?? -
2quik4uWatch this video on North Korea, pretty crazy
http://www.vbs.tv/watch/the-vice-guide-to-travel/vice-guide-to-north-korea-1-of-3 -
Cleveland BuckSentencing them to hard labor is a bit ridiculous. This isn't the Soviet Union yet. I would be just fine with throwing their asses right back out immediately after they come in.
That was pretty crazy, but interesting as well. Reminded me alot of the old Soviet Union videos/pictures we used to see with the massive Military rallies. It's kind of scary.2quik4u wrote: Watch this video on North Korea, pretty crazy
Ever notice how people like Kim Jong il, Castro, even Mao when he started Commi China seem to live FOREVER. Maybe they know something we don't....... -
Yeah, absolute power gets you great benefits. It can also lead to some pretty gruesome deaths as well. So I guess its 50/50bigkahuna wrote:
That was pretty crazy, but interesting as well. Reminded me alot of the old Soviet Union videos/pictures we used to see with the massive Military rallies. It's kind of scary.2quik4u wrote: Watch this video on North Korea, pretty crazy
Ever notice how people like Kim Jong il, Castro, even Mao when he started Commi China seem to live FOREVER. Maybe they know something we don't.......