Youth open mats
BadbirdYoung athletes (ages 2-11) interested in wrestling are welcome at Thomas Worthington High School on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-6:30 for basic instruction and open mats. Coach Webber (TWHS varsity wrestling coach) will provide basic instruction, supervision, and entertainment for young wrestlers. THIS IS A FREE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG ATHLETES TO LEARN SOME SKILLS, DEVELOP A PASSION, AND HAVE SOME FUN!!!
For more info contact coach Webber [email protected][/b] -
Badbirdor call (614)306-7965
Tony MeadBadbird wrote: or call (614)306-7965
we have open mats at watkins tues and weds, you guys are welcome to come out weds night. i also need some big guys for a dual team april 25th. the boys must wrestle in the individual tournament at the tourny of champions on the 24th. then they will be guranteed 5 matches on sunday the 25th in the team duals. let me know if any of your kids are interested. thanks