
Groveport Madison "Friday Night Tournament" matches (3 of 3 are now up)!!!

  • USMCdevil05
    Cruiser! Just got a great idea! Have this tourney under the lights on the football field if the weather is looking good and clear that day! I went to a tournament in may one year and it was under the lights on the football field! Probably one of the coolest tournaments I have ever been to! Just a thought!
  • USMCdevil05
    zambrown wrote: Thanks, Dad4Sports. You've put together a very nice site as well and I may do the same. :) Keebler is my webmaster and really has done all the work. I just put it all together, send it to him and he posts it. He did all the design work for which I am most appreciative. He and I have both been REALLLLY busy during wrestling season so I didn't get as much on there as I would have like (through no fault of Keebler's), but I have the whole off season to learn more about it and grow it.
    Very nice site Zambrown!
  • zambrown
    Thanks, USMC. I will be sure to give credit where it is due (which is with Keebler). When I found that our team didn't have a website, I just took the bull by the horns and was fortunate that Keebler was available to help me. I plan to post registration forms for the off season tourneys that are reasonably local in the hopes that some of our kids take advantage of the opportunity to get better.
  • Duckme
    That reminds me of the rock n roll wrestling match up at Thomas Worthington where we wrestled under the lights on the tennis court, man that was a great night!
  • USMCdevil05
    Duckme wrote: That reminds me of the rock n roll wrestling match up at Thomas Worthington where we wrestled under the lights on the tennis court, man that was a great night!
    Pretty fun stuff huh! I think it will bring alot of kids your way cruiser! If you have an open division I would even consider wrestling in it! lol! Just a thought!
  • justincredible
    USMCdevil05 wrote:
    Duckme wrote: That reminds me of the rock n roll wrestling match up at Thomas Worthington where we wrestled under the lights on the tennis court, man that was a great night!
    Pretty fun stuff huh! I think it will bring alot of kids your way cruiser! If you have an open division I would even consider wrestling in it! lol! Just a thought!
    Definitely sounds like an awesome idea. If I weren't flying to San Francisco and there was an open division I'd be there!
  • cruiser_96
    Flyer coming soon!
  • cruiser_96
    Told you!

    FRIDAY, APRIL 16TH, 2010



    Groveport Madison Wrestling Cruisers
    Groveport Madison High School
    4475 S. Hamilton Road
    Groveport, OH 43125

    9TH GRADE - 12TH GRADE 105, 112, 120, 128, 135, 142, 150, 158, 170, 185, 200, 220, 285
    *** If you are in junior high and think you can hang…BRING IT ON!!!

    ENTRY FEE: $15 for registration, $12 for Sr. High state qualifiers, and $10 for State Placers.
    AWARDS: Top three in each weight class will receive a medal.
    RULES: Two, 2-minute periods. Mainly Neutral.
    ADMISSION: $4 for adults; $2 for kids
    WEIGH-INS: Begin Friday at 3pm until 4:15pm.


    NAME: ___________________________________ GRADE: _______ WEIGHT CLASS: _______
    (P L E A S E P R I N T)

    SCHOOL/CLUB: ______________________________________________

    In consideration of your acceptance of my entry, I, intending to be legally bound hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release the Groveport Madison Local School District, Groveport Madison High School, Groveport Madison Athletic Boosters, committees and officials from any and all claims of rights to damages for injuries or losses suffered by me, directly or indirectly, in training for, traveling to or from, or competing in, or attending the said wrestling tournament.

    _____________________________________________ _______________________________________
    (SIGNATURE: Parent or Guardian) (SIGNATURE: Participant)

    _______ ________________ _______ ________________
    (DATE) (DATE)

    If you'd like an emailed copy, just let me know.

    [email protected]

    Zam, please email me. I can't find your email address. Let me know if you have MS 2003 or 2007 too.
  • cruiser_96
    Here's the thread I was referring to, coaches.

    Hope to see you there... Or at least a representative from your school.
  • cruiser_96
    YES!!! Friday night fireworks! ...well maybe a firecracker. Or one of those "Snaps" that come in the white, twisted paper that if you throw to the ground, they give a *pop*. But whatever, dude.
  • zambrown
    MS 2003, cruiser and you've got mail. :)
  • cruiser_96
    Right back at you, girl.
  • zambrown
    It should be up on our website by tomorrow, Cruiser.
  • cruiser_96
  • cruiser_96
    Look at me! Look at me!!!
  • Bitterrunner-up
    Cruiser...I'm going to try to get a group together. See you Friday night.
  • cruiser_96
    Sweet! Can't wait. knightflyer says there are a few that have been... have been... have been advised to go??? Yeah, that's it... advised.

    DeSales swears he has a group. Liberty, the Port and West Jeff brought a great group last year. I'd like to see what West. Central had, that being 20+ school represented. Bring 1; bring 5; bring 10! but make it out!!!
  • Westie101
    West will have atleast 1.
  • Dirtyscramble
    Heyy do you know if there are any Heavys gonna be there if so i might be interested
  • cruiser_96
    Can't say for sure any weight class will have any action. However, I do believe that two years ago we had Seth Nelson, Jordan Marrero and another prettty good heavyweight all in the same class. However, this might have taken place at our preseason tournament and this is just proof that I'm COMPLETELY losing my marbles! (Which, I guess, means I'm on my way to being promoted!)
  • cruiser_96
    If half the people come that are saying they are, we should have around 75 to 100 wrestlers. Can't wait!
  • double arm bars
    Liberty will bring close to a dozen
  • cruiser_96
    Great!!!!!! I'm not sure what kind of blood is between the Orange & Liberty folks (if any) but a car pool or a van full (or two!) might work out. Or, you can enjoy your freedom to the max and link up with your buddies. Either way, I certainly don't mind... just want to put on a good tournament.

    See everybody then.
  • cruiser_96
    Umm, guys? This is tomorow night!? Just sayin'.
  • Bitterrunner-up
    Bad news Cruiser. I'm out for tomorrow night, sorry. I hope it's a great night of wrestling.