Ready Open Mats beginning Sunday April 11th
headlock165Bishop Ready will begin open mats on Sunday April 11th. These open mats are at 6:00 p.m. and open to all. They are free and will run all spring, summer, and fall.
zambrownGood to know, Coach. Thanks!
DuckmeUpset_125, when will you be in attendance?
USMCdevil05Sounds good!
cruiser_96Just over a month until the fun begins!
USMCdevil05Yepp! Off seasons are when state championships are won!
upset_125Duckme, i wont be there until the week of may 5. That's when school gets out for me.
Duckmesee yinz there
sackerdrag_135Nice! Hopefully you will have a large contingent of Westies.
lowsingle174sacker, can you pm me information for mphillips? E-mail, phone number etc...
cruiser_96The clock adjustment has me a bit of but I think we're four weeks out as of today. Hope to see a great crowd!
headlock165Just over two weeks away. Ready is located at 707 Salisbury Drive Columbus 43204.
cruiser_96Good greif, it's getting close! Hope to make it out sometime this spring/summer. See you then.
USMCdevil05It is getting close! Wonder if Tommy Rowlands will make an appearance sometime!?!
zambrownYou know we'll be there coach.
SnakeNbake70how many are u expecting
cruiser_96If it's ANYTHING like last year, it'll be anywhere from 28.3 to 35.9 wrestlers from all ends of the spectrum... Grade school, junior high, high school, college, alumni, and coaches. Well worth the trip.
SnakeNbake70ok sounds good i should have a hand full coming
cruiser_96Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, you will not be disappointed. Hope to see you then...