
Mat Size....

  • Bam175
    Thought this would make a good Forum..............I went to the Claymont district this weekend and one of the things that bothered me more than anything (Great Wrestling btw) was the kids constantly going out of bounds and the refs stopping the action with one kid still inbounds....What does everyone think about going to the bigger mat (college size) and addopting the out of bounds rules closer to the rule thats currently in college...........
  • iwrestle365
    I think as good an idea as this is the cost for schools buying new mats is just too much especially since many schools are already tight on money. As far as changing the rule goes I like the idea but I don't see it happening
  • USMCdevil05
    I think the rule change would be so much better. Let the kids wrestle more on the line when they are there rather than as soon a one foot is out call it out of bounds! I think refs should change this judgement a bit.
  • deuceOSU78
    Besides the cost of the larger mats, most gyms can't accommodate more than one mat of that size. In order to get 5 mats in at Marion they have to use 2 jr. high sized mats and they have a big floor area. Imagine trying to get the larger mats into gyms like Plymouth or Carey. Until EVERYONE has a larger mat, I can't see them changing the rule. I too, wish they would at least change the minimum size of the mat to 30' diameter, preferably 32'. Unless the price comes way down, I don't see too many of the financially strapped Districts being able to afford a new $8-$10k mat.
  • Bam175
    deuceOSU78 wrote: Besides the cost of the larger mats, most gyms can't accommodate more than one mat of that size. In order to get 5 mats in at Marion they have to use 2 jr. high sized mats and they have a big floor area. Imagine trying to get the larger mats into gyms like Plymouth or Carey. Until EVERYONE has a larger mat, I can't see them changing the rule. I too, wish they would at least change the minimum size of the mat to 30' diameter, preferably 32'. Unless the price comes way down, I don't see too many of the financially strapped Districts being able to afford a new $8-$10k mat.
    Understood on the the cost and gym size of most schools.....maybe just for Sectionals, Districts and States...........on mat size.......still think they need to let the kids wrestle on the line tho......anyone bigger than the time they set a kid up,shoot and try to finish they end up out of bounds 75% of the time .....
  • CaptJack
    How about going back to the square mats. At least you gain some "inbounds" area without adding space to the gyms.