
weight allowance due to school closing

  • 222
    If there is a school closing within a district the day before district tournaments do the wrestlers get a pound????
  • Dad4Sports
    Schools closed in Ohio today:

    Shadyside Local Schools
    Cambridge City Schools
    East Guernsey Local Schools
    Rolling Hills Local Schools
    Harrison Hills City Schools
    Indian Creek Local Schools
    Caldwell EVSD
    Noble Local Schools
    New Philadelphia City Schools
    Frontier Local Schools
    Marietta City Schools

    Quite a few schools closed from the D2 Claymont District.......
  • 222
    Is Pickerington closed today? I was told that they are>
  • ksig489
    Pickerington not closed.

    I believe the rule OHSAA sent out during sectional week was that if a school involved cancelled and couldnt practice due to weather on 2 consecutive days, there would be a weight allowance. They said it was for sectionals, but mentioned nothing about districts.
  • bravesman
    This is not fair to the schools who can't practice... They should give scratch plus 4 pounds max... OHSAA, no money will be lost because of this decision...
    Please do not let moms with alterior motives (getting their driveway shoveled for free) dictate what is best for kids!!!
  • Con_Alma
    What's best for kids is to not put in more calories than they burn. They'll be O.K. Scratch plus two won't kill them. In addition, if they qualify for State they don't have to worry about bouncing or cutting to make it in only five days.
  • Dad4Sports
    bravesman wrote: This is not fair to the schools who can't practice... They should give scratch plus 4 pounds max... OHSAA, no money will be lost because of this decision...
    Please do not let moms with alterior motives (getting their driveway shoveled for free) dictate what is best for kids!!!
    I'm not sure I understand what you mean.....

    Are you saying Claymont District should be scratch +4 because 3 schools out of 40+ schools may miss practice tonight? OR that the limit for any allowance should be scratch +4?

    As far as I know, all schools have been in session this week, up until today. IMO, no allowance for District or go with +1 (scratch +3) at the most for those districts that are affected by today's closings....
  • ksig489
    Like I said, the rule I saw was for any site that had schools closed for 2 consecutive days and every team at the site would get the weight. I have NOT seen anything for districts, just last week for sectionals.
  • Mattburns35
    Soo is there going to be any weight given to the wrestlers tomorrow?
  • ksig489
    I doubt I said...the state said it had to be 2 consecutive days of no this case it will only be 1 day.
  • bravesman
    here is to hoping for the OHSAA mandate of scratch plus 7
  • Con_Alma
    ...what? wouldn't that force the state qualifiers to cut down in only 5 days? Doesn't that fly in the face of the spirit of the hydration rules?

    Why would you hope for that?
  • ksig489
    How about no weigh ins for the next 2 weeks? Since everyone is already stuck in their current weight class, we shouldnt have any issues, right?
  • Con_Alma
    ...not if people maintained their weight instead of bouncing and cutting. Don't weigh ins deter that? I'd rather keep deterring it so I say lets have weigh ins.
  • Dad4Sports
    I think the "tongue-in-cheek" font might be applicable here :)
  • cometallstar
    just make weight and stop whining.
    go out and run.
  • Con_Alma
    cometallstar wrote: just make weight and stop whining.
    go out and run.
  • jaba134
    Or how about you sit back and let the wrestlers be happy if they get a pound allowance, and stop whining.
  • Con_Alma
    In order to stop I would need to start. That has yet to happen.
  • jaba134
    I was referring to cometallstar who made the whining comment.
  • Con_Alma
    Ooops. :( My apologies to you.
  • arrow1991
    Funny thing is most schools who dont have school still practice anyhow! So why the need for more weight?
  • alaah
    I think it was uncalled for last week and shouldn't even be considered this week.
  • cometallstar
    jaba134 wrote: Or how about you sit back and let the wrestlers be happy if they get a pound allowance, and stop whining.
    Why would you want a happy wrestlers at Districts? Get tough.
  • I Wear Pants
    arrow1991 wrote: Funny thing is most schools who dont have school still practice anyhow! So why the need for more weight?
    Yeah, what schools did you people go to that didn't practice on snow days?