
Eastwood Biddy Tournament January 17th

  • 5pointr
    Date: Sunday, January 17, 2010
    Wrestling Begins: Wrestling begins @10:00am for all Divisions.
    Where: Eastwood High School, 4900 Sugar Ridge Rd. Pemberville, OH 43450
    Registration and Weigh ins: To be held during the High School SLL Duals at Eastwood High School on Saturday from 10am to 2pm . (See Biddy Registration Table by front door.)
    You may also register via mail. Mail in Registrations must be received no later than Saturday, January 16, 2010. Pre-registered wrestlers do not have to weigh-in (although we have the right to spot check anyone on Sunday). All brackets will be completed by Saturday night so that wrestling can begin promptly at 10:00am on Sunday.
    Entry Fee: $12.00
    Rules and Eligibility:
    Length of Periods – Two 1 ½ min periods
    Modified OHSAA rules
    Technical Fall All Divisions = 12 point differential
    Copy of birth certificate must be provided if challenged
    All periods will start from the neutral position for all divisions

    Div I Ages 6 and under (see box at bottom if you child is a first year wrestler age 6 and under)
    Div II Ages 7-8 Weights to be determined by the tournament director. Tournament
    Div III Ages 9-10 director reserves the right to combine and delete weight classes and/or
    Div IV Ages 11-12 age groups.

    Awards: Awards will be given to the top 3 placers in each division.

    Admission: $3.00 Adults, $2.00 Seniors, $2.00 Children, $8.00 Family cap

    Questions: Contact Rob Eaton via email [email protected] or phone 419-344-2365
    Mail-in registration must be received by Saturday, January 16, 2010. Make checks payable to: Eagle Wrestling Club
    Mail to:
    Eagle Wrestling Club
    P.O. Box 429
    Luckey, OH 43443
    Age and Eligibility: Age as of the day of the tournament. If your age is challenged, you must provide a birth certificate for proof.
    Last Name: ______________________ First Name: ________________________ Middle Initial: ____________
    Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________
    Phone: ____________________________ Birthdate: __________________ Age: ___________ Weight: _______
    Wrestling Club: _________________________________________ School: __________________________________
    ? Please check this box if your wrestler is a first year wrestler, aged 6 and under. If enough wrestlers sign up, we would like to have a novice division for these competitors.

    In consideration of your acceptance of my entry, I, my heirs, executors, and administration, waive and release Eastwood High School, Eastwood Board of Education, Eastwood Wrestling, and all tournament officials and sponsors from any and all claims of rights to damage from injuries or losses suffered by me, directly or authorize treatment by the first aid personnel on site.

    Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________ Date____________________________
  • 5pointr
    This tournament his going to have an additional breakdown of division 1. 1st year wrestlers can check a box on the bottom of the registration form. If they are age 6 or under and depending on # of entries we will run a seperate bracket for them.
  • 5pointr
  • 5pointr
  • 5pointr