World Class Clinicians&World class Technique:
Sergei Kitaev - Olympic Coach
Victor Serada – World team member
Maryia ivanova - womens World Medalist
Raman shyh - national team member
Westerville South H. S.303 S. Otterbein AveWesterville Ohio 43081Cost: $75
The Columbus Wrestling Club is proud topresent The 2016 Top of the World –International Training Camp. This a greatopportunity for both male and female wrestlersto learn new technique, live wrestle, andprepare yourself to compete at the Ohio StateFair Wrestling Tournament!Our highly skilled staff will teach 2 on1 setups,Top position, leg attack takedowns,combinations and leg attack defense. The mainfocus and goal of this camp is to exposurewrestlers to world class techniques, whiledrilling and wrestling in live situations andmatches. This is an excellent opportunity toreceive personalized instruction and motivationto attain your goals.
Camp Schedule –
(Mon Tues Thur)Arrival/Registration…..…..………….5:15PM
Warm Up ..……………... 5:30 PM - 6:00PM
Technique Session I ………6:00PM - 6:45PM
Break ……………………. 6:45PM – 7:00PM
Technique Session II.…….7:00 PM - 7:45PM
Break …………………… 7:45PM – 8:00PM
Live Wrestling..…………..8:00 PM - 8:20PM
Cool down/Exit..…………8:20PM - 8:30PM
Wednesday Camp Schedule:Arrival …………..…..……3:45PM – 4:00PM
Warm Up ..……………... 4:00 PM - 4:20PM
Live Matches Session I ..…4:20PM - 4:50PM
Break ……………………. 4:50PM – 5:00PM
Live Matches Session II.….5:00 PM - 5:30PM
Cool down/Exit..……….…5:30PM - 5:45PM
Camp Director Brian Church614 496-6369
"The boy who is going to make agreat man must not make up his mindmerely to overcome a thousand obstacles,but to win in spite of a thousandrepulses and defeats."~Theodore Roosevelt