
Washington CH JV tournament needs teams 1-2-16

  • loureid
    Washington CH 11th annual Reserve Tournament January 2nd,2016

    Washington C.H. is hosting our 10th annual J.V. Tournament on Jan 2nd,2016. We are looking for some more teams.
    The tournament is a double elimination tournament, we run 3 three mats, and usually have anywhere from 15-17 teams. We are done by 5pm or earlier.

    The entry fee is $175.00 for a team and $20.00 for teams that bring less than 6 wrestlers. Here is a list of last years teams.

    If you are interested in attending please contact Louis Reid at [email protected]

    2016 teams

    1. Washington CH
    2. Dixie Hts KY
    3. Moeller
    4. Bethel Tate
    5. Covington Catholic KY
    6. Hamilton Township
    7. New Richmond
    8. Vincent Warren