
Palmer 1-Day Camp at Hilliard Darby this Monday (8/10)

  • Ozzie8383
    Collin Palmer will be at Hilliard Darby this coming Monday, August 10th for a 1 day camp! If your son is not participating in a Fall sport, then have them spend the day at this camp!

    Registration - 8-8:45am.
    Session #1 - 9am-10:30am
    Break - 10:30-11:30am
    Session #2 - 11:30-1pm
    Break - 1-2pm
    Session #3 - 2-3:30pm

    Kids are welcome to stay at the school during breaks. Be sure to have them pack food and drinks.
    The cost of the camp is $50. This is well worth it!!