
Columbus Dispatch drops gold...

  • cruiser_96
    A few times a week, a guy I work with receives the Dispatch at his home, brings it in, reads it, then leaves it on my desk. Today I opened the Sports page to find some great stuff!

    Front page: Logan Stieber - huge picture. Article covering B1Gs. (I seriously doubt it covers the event like they are if it's not in Columbus, butwhatevs.)

    Going to School: St. Charles' very own Cole Delaney. Great write-up, great kid. (This is one of my favorite portions of the sports section. Much like the Sports Illustrated section "Faces in the Crowd".)

    Check it out if you get the chance.

    Lastly, I plan to send [email protected] an email. Perhaps you can too. Nothing more than "Thanks for the wrestling coverage. It is refreshing to see." (Or I'll send him a tweet - @Todd_Jones.)

    Mark Znidar is the "Going to School" writer. [email protected]; twitter = @MarkZnidar
  • Dad4Sports
    That's 3 days in a row with major wrestling coverage in the Dispatch! We complain when they don''s time to give props now though. Nice!
  • cruiser_96
    D4S: I serious wanat to take anEnglish/Journalism class over a summer, submit my idea of an "every Tuesday write-up", and see what happens.

    Heck - maybe I'll just write an article a week and send it in anyway. Take all Sunday and Monday to formulate the story, and Submit it Monday night. Probably won't, but I would love to be in a position to do that.
  • Dad4Sports
    I sent my emails...thanks for the links
  • 112in84
    Way to step Columbus Dispatch !!!!: thumbup:
  • It is what it is
    Great to see (even if only because B1G championships in CBus this year)!

    I like that Delaney kid, smart and tough. We Are.....PENN STATE!! : thumbup:
  • john40
    Yes I was thinking about hiring a personal tutor, get the science and math figured out, apply for medical school and become a doctor. Or just be happy knowing I can.