
OH-WAY Jr High State - Sunday - March 15, 2015


    OH-WAY Junior High State

    Sunday – March 15, 2015

    Springfield HS – 701 East Home Rd, Springfield, OH 45503

    No High School Wrestlers, No Matter What Their Age!

    This tournament will be held on 1 DAY ONLY, March 15.
    OH-WAY Junior High State is a separate tournament from OH-WAY Regionals/State.

    This will be the only tournament for D5 (ages 13-14). D5 (ages 13-14) will NOT wrestle at Regionals and will NOT wrestle at OH-WAY State 3/21/15-3/22/15.

    D4 (ages 11-12) can choose to compete in Junior High State, D4 Regionals/State or both; however, D4 (ages 11-12) who wish to compete in both must pay a separate entry fee with a separate weigh-in to also wrestle at the OH-WAY Regionals/State D4 division, as these are 2 separate events.

    Click HERE to Register online at this link

    Click HERE for Event Webpage

    Click HERE for OH-WAY Membership link