Central Crossing Wrestling Camp Featuring Jimmy Edwards
rhynodudeCentral Crossing Wrestling Camp Featuring Jimmy Edwards, Sundays at 5:00 in the Central Crossing wrestling room. Only $15 for an excellent workout with great competition and with Jimmy leading the way. Can't beat this opportunity! Come out and put the work in, you know you need it and that it will make a big impact in your wrestling and your development!! See you this Sunday.
cruiser_96Is this every Sunday for a set number of weeks?
rhynodudeIt will be ongoing. Not sure for how long until we talk to Jimmy and see how everything is playing out.
Tony MeadBlast from the past! Jimmy is a great technician, great guy, and a definite addition to ones arsenal!
rhynodudeAnd the kids work hard for Jimmy and gain more than even the great wrestling techniques he teaches! Bring Braken out, you know all of the Crossing studs are there along with other state qualifiers and placers. Great opportunity for sure!!
bribacker51Jimmy is great I know he has helped my son a ton over the years I know they have a lot of hammers that will be coming weights for almost everyone hope the numbers grow every week.
bribacker51Great stuff tonight Jimmy really does an amazing job with the wrestlers and with state placers, state qualifiers and 1 jr state champ in the room you are hard pressed to find a better room to get you ready for the season!
rhynodudeCome out to Crossings wrestling room tonight at 5:00 for some great wrestling!
It is what it isIs it $15 per session?
Coach RamirezYes it was. But it is no longer happening. Couldnt get enough kids coming regularly! We still have open mats every Wed at 6pm free of charge of course! A month away until the official first day of practice!