
A new brand is coming our way... The Rudis - A Way of Life

  • cruiser_96
    This one seems marketed towards wrestlers in a big way. I dug up some tweets - they've done work for some teams in NY and now O. Lib is getting in on the action. (Awesome singlets, but the way.)

    Recognize zed the guy in this video???

    I like what I've seen so far. Might have to get it a try.
  • Tony Mead
    The gear is off the hook! The singlets are super sick! Hope they get to use them for the Season! I will let you know how they hold up at Disney, loving the Tee's, the Singlet and the long sleeve under armor type shirt!
  • cruiser_96
    Tony: I liked the looks of the wrestling bag. I also noticed the color scheme for the t-shirts! Red for his fiery temper; Black for his coat!!! Go Cruisers!!!

    Best of luck down in Disney.