
Columbus West Open Mat and Free Clinic 6/22 with Guest Coach Luke Zachrich

  • Fatmanroll>Peterson

    Thank you all who spread the word last week for our first free clinic with Coach Derek Oney. Unfortunately my camera was on the fritz, so no action shots this week. We had a solid room with a mix of high school kids (West, Centennial, and Whetstone), college, some adults doing no gi grappling at the end (students of Gracie Ohio). Jason Russell (former state qualifier, D3 national qualifier), Francisco Quinonez (former state qualifier), Gabby Henry (women's nationals) and Patch Garren (former state champion) all stopped in and got some good work. Spread the word and come on out! Open mat is every Sunday at West HS from 3:00PM - 4:30PM (179 S Powell Ave, Columbus, OH 43204)

    This week our guest coach is UFC veteran Luke Zachrich. Luke has an MMA record of 13-3. He is a The Ultimate Fighter 7 Rampage vs. Griffin contestant, a Bellator Fighting Championship veteran, and owner of the RONIN Training Center in Grandview Heights, OH. He also carries a BJJ Brown Belt.

    Luke is donating his time in the midst of his busy schedule of fight camp as he prepares for UFC 175 on July 5th. Therefore, I am asking that everyone interested in coming show up on time or early! Luke will be running our free clinic, but then must leave promptly for his own training session before we start open mats. Don't miss out on an awesome opportunity!!
  • john40
    What time is Luke going to be there? I assume it is before 3. Just trying to figure out the time to show up. thanks
  • Fatmanroll>Peterson
    3-330/340 free clinic with Luke Zachrich, 340-430 live wrestling
  • Jesse Sepeda
    Looking for some 160 to 170 lb
  • john40
    Whats the schedule look like today?