W.R.A.G.E Wrestling club is an opportunity to get the extra off season work necessary to become a champion in the winter. We will be working out once a week with a focus on technique from problem areas at the high school level. An emphasis will be placed on positions such as front head lock and short offense, leg riding, set ups and finishes, position drilling, and Freestyle and Greco Roman technique. Practices will consist of technique sessions, live wrestling, and hard drilling from each position. We will have numerous guest clinicians to show top level technique at an expert level, including Keaton Anderson (3X Ohio State Champion, NCAA All American), Rex Holman (Ohio State Champion, NCAA National Champion), Luke Moore (2X Ohio State Placer, MAC Champion), Josh Heffernan (Illinois State Runner Up, 2X NCAA qualifier, OCC Coach of the year). The club will also be travelling to various tournaments throughout the area to compete as a team. Tournaments include USA Wrestling state qualifier at Thomas Worthington, spring duals at Delaware Hayes and New Albany, AAU freestyle qualifier at Hayes High School and the Tournament of Champions at the Columbus Convention Center.
When: Every Sunday, 6:00-7:30, beginning March 30[SUP]th [/SUP]through May 25th
Where: Big Walnut High School wrestling room (555 S. Old 3C HWY, Sunbury, OH 43074)
Cost: $50/wrestler (does not include entry into tournaments)
Name_____________________________________________________ School____________________________________________
Address_____________________________________________ City_____________________________________ Zip_____________
Birth Date_______/_______/_______ Phone ____________________ Grade_________ Age___________ Weight_____________
Shirt Size- YS______ YM______ YL______ AS______ AM______ AL______ AXL_____ XXL______ XXXL______
We, the undersigned, understand that this tournament is not a school activity. In addition, we hereby state that we are aware that participation in all sports requires an acceptance of risk of possible injury. In giving our consent for our son/daughter to participate, we are aware that the risk of injury may be severe including risk of fractures, brain injuries, paralysis, or other severe complications. Additionally, we agree not to hold the Big Walnut School District liable for any injury incurred by our son/daughter while in attendance at the tournament.
The tournament sponsors do not provide medical or dental insurance for students injured in the tournament. We, the undersigned, do have insurance and accept full responsibility for any and all medical and/or dental expenses from any injury while he/she may suffer while taking part in the tournament.
Wrestler Signature___________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________