Proceeds from this tournament help to support OHIO Youth Wrestling and local wrestlers and wrestling programs in Stark, Summit and Portage Counties
Proceeds from this tournament go to support OHIO YouthWrestling and local wrestlers and wrestling programs in Stark, Summit andPortage Counties
DATE: Sunday, November 24, 2013 – Wrestlingstarts 10am
PLACE: Firestone High School – 333 Rampart Ave, Akron,Ohio, 44313
SPONSORED BY: WesternReserve Wrestling Officials & Ohio Youth Wrestling Association
WEIGH-IN: Sunday,November 24 at Firestone High School from 7:00-9:00 am
WEIGHT CLASSES: A wrestler may NOT enter more thanone weight class.
DIVISIONI – Age 8 & under (2 x 1 min. periods) 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, Hwt(max 95)
DIVISION II – Age 9 & 10 (2 x 1½ min. periods) 50, 55,60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, Hwt (max 140)
DIVISION III – Age 11 & 12 (2 x 1½ min. periods) 65, 70,75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, Hwt (max 175)
DIVISION IV – Age 13 & 14 (2 x 1½ min. periods) 80, 85,90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 125, 135, 145,155, Hwt (max 205)
WRESTLINGstarts at 10:00 am – Double Elimination Tournament
Middle school wrestlersmay participate (OHSAA RULING), if their school has not scrimmaged with anopposing team. Senior high wrestlers are ineligible,if they have scrimmaged against ­any other team.
Tournamentofficials reserve the right to combine or create weight classes to protect thewrestler and/or promote a better tournament. HEAD GEAR MANDATORY!!!!!
FORMAT: Modified OHSAA rules. All periods start on your feet. Double Elimination Tournament
ENTRY FEE: $20.00 – Make checks payable to WRWA
ADMISSION: $4.00 for adults. $1.00 for students (grades 3-12). $9.00 for family (2 adults plus students)
FORMORE INFORMATION CALL: Tournament Co-Director JerryTenant 330-281-9155;
TournamentCo-Director, Tom Calderone330-322-4910; TournamentCo-Director, Dan Szendrey 330-305-6928
In consideration of the undersignedwrestler’s entry into this event, we the undersigned (parent /guardian) onbehalf of ourselves and our heirs, executors, administrators and all others, dohereby assume all the risks and hazards of participation in the event and dohereby waive, release and discharge the Akron Board of Education, Ohio YouthWrestling and the Western Reserve Wrestling Association, all of theirdirectors, officers, agents and employees, and all tournament sponsors,officials and participants from any and all claims for injuries, damages orlosses directly or indirectly related to participating in this event. We (parent/guardian) realize we are assumingall risks and that we are releasing those parties herein identified in advancedof any occurrence from all claims including those arising from negligenceand/or omission. If the undersigned wrestlerever attempts to disaffirm this release, the undersigned parent/guardian herebyagrees to defend and completely indemnify those hereby released as a result ofany such effort or resultant judgment, claim, loss or suit.