
Big Walnut Pre-Season Clinic- 11/2

  • huntergreen26
    Big Walnut Wrestling Pre-Season Clinic and Youth Wrestling Sign Ups
    When: Saturday, November 2[SUP]nd[/SUP], 2013
    Time: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
    Location: Big Walnut Wrestling Building
    Cost: $25 per wrestler (cost includes clinic t-shirt)
    (Registration can be done the morning of the clinic or mailed to: Luke Moore, Big Walnut High School, 555 S. Old 3C HWY., Sunbury, OH 43074. Make checks payable to Big Walnut Wrestling)

    Name________________________________________________ School_______________________________________________
    Parent/Guardian Name_______________________________________________________________________________________
    We, the undersigned, understand that this tournament is not a school activity. In addition, we hereby state that we are aware that participation in all sports requires an acceptance of risk of possible injury. In giving our consent for our son/daughter to participate, we are aware that the risk of injury may be severe including risk of fractures, brain injuries, paralysis, or other severe complications. Additionally, we agree not to hold the Big Walnut School District liable for any injury incurred by our son/daughter while in attendance at the tournament.
    The tournament sponsors do not provide medical or dental insurance for students injured in the tournament. We, the undersigned, do have insurance and accept full responsibility for any and all medical and/or dental expenses from any injury while he/she may suffer while taking part in the tournament.
    Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________________________________________________
  • upset_125
    Are you having a guest Clinician?
  • huntergreen26
    The clinic will be run by the Big Walnut coaching staff.