
Teaching/Coaching position at Shelby

  • gotcha73
    Shelby has a high school Social Studies Teaching position open & new head coach Ryan Shafer [Massilon Perry, '00] is in need of several assistant wrestling coaches, paid positions, & at all levels...

    Teaching candidates need to reply to SHS Principal John Gies [read job posting below]...

    Social Studies Teacher- Sr. High School
    7-12 Social Studies licensure
    If you are interested in applying for the above position, please mail resume to Mr. John Gies, Principal, Shelby HIgh School, 1 Whippet Way, Shelby, OH 44875 or email [email protected], prior to August 14, 2013.

    Coaching candidates not interesting in the teaching position are encouraged to email Coach Shafer at:

    [email protected]