Port Clinton Wrestler Dies In Car Crash
LetsGoCometsI seen on WTOL that a Port Clinton High School wrestler died in a car accident. His name is Jonathan Pope and he was 17 years old. WTOL also says that he was on his way to wrestling practice and that his dad is one of the coaches. He was hit head on by a 73 year old man who tried to pass a car and drove right into the path of the young man. My heart goes out to his family and friends. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
matdadHorrible news. My heart and prayers go out to the family and the Port Clinton Wrestling community.
Fab1bWow how tragic, they will be in my thoughts!
hang_loosePrayers to the Pope family...
1_beastSuch a tragedy!!! Prayers for this young mans family.
TinkertrainMy deepest thoughts and sympathys to the Pope family.
USMCdevil05Such terrible news! My thoughts and Prayers go out to this family. What a terrible thing to happen around the holidays! GodBless you all! If you have kids, go hug them right now and tell them you love them, you never know when they could be gone!
zambrownOMG that is so terrible. My prayers go out to the family and community. I can't even imagine!
Joe DaughertyMy family and I will be praying for the Pope family! I can't imagine how they feel, I just hope and pray for God to watch over them.
saltoThoughts and prayers from friends in St Paris.
CitybuckWow this is terrible news. My thoughts and Prayers go out to this family !
whitmerdadhere is the link to the sad story.
http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091225/NEWS16/912259995 -
LetsGoCometsheres an even more in depth article about this horrible tragedy so close to christmas. http://www.portclintonnewsherald.com/article/20091225/NEWS01/912250306/17-year-old-dies-in-Thursday-crash
heinieg71A true tragedy. Any time of year, but especially near the holidays. Prayers from Napoleon.
fan63Our thoughts and prayers from Clear Fork.
tcby99sad sad story
GrahamFalcon09Thoughts and prayers go out to the Pope family from Saint Paris.
1grapplerVery sad...I wish the best for family and friends!