
Seneca County Wrestling Club starts March 18th

  • Westie101
    Seneca County Wrestling Club will be starting open practices on March 18th and will run every week on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6-7:30 pm through May 9th. All wrestlers are required to have USA Wrestling membership card. No charge, but donations are accepted. A good opportunity to work on solid freestyle technique with college wrestlers.

    USA Wrestling Card can be obtained at: http://usa-wrestling-ohio.teamsitesn...ustompages/396

    contact information:

    Justin Wharton: 419-481-3903
    Jason Russell: 614-495-7230
  • BergUp
    Practices will be at the Tin Gym, at Heidelberg University. 310 E. Market St.
    Good opportunity to get time in the room with some college kids.
    Open to all ages youth through high school