
Davidson vs Pick Central Results

  • ptown3
    106- Gill (HD) Dec. 6-1 Johnson (PC) 3-0
    113- Mcelwee (PC) T Fall Dasanti 3-5
    120- Terry (PC) Fall Desmond 3-11
    126- Smith (HD) T Fall 18-3 Hogue (PC) 8-11
    132- Duhl (HD) T Fall 15-0 Toranto (PC) 13-11
    138- Wilson (HD) Fall Dunette (PC) 19-11
    145- Piecynzski (PC) Dec. 3-0 Lawler (HD) 19-14
    152- Yarger (PC) Fall Mclaivan (HD) 19-20
    160- Bondurant (PC) Dec. 10-7 Moore 19-23
    170- Sunkle (PC) T Fall 27-12 Heyman 19-28
    182- Mcdowell (PC) Fall Mansour (HD) 19-34
    195- Maynard (PC) Fall Miller (HD) 19-40
    220 and 285 was a PC forfeit 31-40 Pick Central!
  • iGranby
    Smith making 26 is big. Piecynzski over Lawler is interesting, Lawler normally the 38. PC would be interesting vs Marysville.