First weekend of season
sweepI am looking for a high school pool or bracket tournament the first competition weekend of season. What are some good ones in the Columbus/Dayton area?
CthelitesYou are late
Cthelitessorry gp!
gp as in grammer police not Grove Port! -
BewarethefatmanrollI think Upper Arlington is still running their's the first weekend?
cruiser_96Ha!!! Eggsalent, Smithers...
Upper Arlington does run there's that week. Mount Vernon also has one. Olentangy (of the lewis Center sort) has one too. I'm sure there are others, but I'm kind of drawing a blank right now. -
nykcFranklin Heights has one as well
ptown3Mt Vernon has The Wazie
bribacker51Hamilton Township had there classic for yrs on the first weekend and I think will bring it back next yr always a good tournament hope it gets done with our duals in Jan it would be alot of fun.
PIRATEMATFANGranville is a good opener if you can get in, 12 teams. The first three rounds match wrestlers of similar level/experience for A, B and C pool champs, which then gives you a team strength for two rounds of duals with teams of similar strength.