
Columbus City League Quads?

  • Westie101
    anyone have the box scores?
  • Bewarethefatmanroll
    I know Walnut Ridge beat Beechcroft and Indy, and West beat Mifflin? Outside of that no clue.

    In our matchups, Big Juty did not wrestle for Briggs, and Monroe did not wrestle for MF.

    Columbus South 63 Briggs 3

    220 - Solomon (South) pinned Goodwin (Briggs)
    285 - Sheline (South) dec. Poeschel (Briggs)
    106 - Niggle (South) forfeit
    113 - Hill (South) forfeit
    120 - Double forfeit
    126 - Farley (Briggs) OT over Caley (South)
    132 - Rister (South) pinned Abdi (Briggs)
    138 - McDonald (South) pinned Oyelami (Briggs)
    145 - Young (South) pinned Martinez (Briggs)
    152 - Double forfeit
    160 - Carll (South) pinned Tomak (Briggs)
    170 - Valentine (South) pinned Juty (Briggs)
    182 - Price (South) inj. default Davis (Briggs)
    195 - McGlown (South) forfeit

    Columbus South 47 Marion Franklin 30

    285 - Gray (MF) pinned Sheline (South)
    106 - Noggle (South) forfeit
    113 - Hill (South) forfeit
    120 - Brett (MF) forfeit
    126 - Clark (MF) pinned Caley (South)
    132 - Rister (South) tech fall Hill (MF)
    138 - Double forfeit
    145 - Parkham (MF) pinned McDonald (South)
    152 - Champion (MF) pinned Young (South)
    160 - Carll (South) forfeit
    170 - Valentine (South) pinned Coleman (MF)
    182 - Price (South) forfeit
    195 - McGlown (South) forfeit
    220 - Solomon (South) pinned Garrett (MF)
  • bribacker51
    Wow why so many FF at Marion Franklin were kids sick or kids just not wrestling this season? Never thought I would see the day they could not fill a lineup:confused: