looking for Biddy Tournaments
Shoot and SprawlOur youth program has 30 first year wrestlers.
I'm looking for tournaments for true novices to get these 1st thru 6th graders some mat time.
I'd prefer tournaments in January and February, so they have a few weeks of practice first. -
asheaglewww.ohiowrestler.com has a lot of the youth tournaments posted there. Some tournaments will be for beginner divisions or will be beginner tournaments.
ptrsnThese tournaments all have novice divisions for 1st and 2nd year wrestlers. All are ran with the same format. Novices are usually placed in 4 man round robins so they get 3 matches. Only $10 for novice division.
12/15 Buckeye Trail - http://c2971522.r22.cf0.rackcdn.com/k0Kyuc1YxUjmg4853nUo.pdf
12/22 John Glenn - http://c2971522.r22.cf0.rackcdn.com/WQQuglaoZxyQszKAqlGn.pdf
12/30 West Muskingum - http://c2971522.r22.cf0.rackcdn.com/HmGqvSyz60GGJS7XmIHl.pdf
1/6 Meadowbrook - http://c2971522.r22.cf0.rackcdn.com/IcUU6xZsZnHukYvtwWB6.pdf -
Mike MattinShoot- You may want to consider the Novice state tournament on 2/10/12. Sounds like it would be very appropriate for your kids. You can go to novicestate.com for more information.
Mike Mattin